Ability to override custom metadata field settings per org
Our code repository currently contains the custom metadata settings from our development environment. When we deploy to production, we either ignore custom metadata in Gearset and manually add any new custom metadata items to production or we manually select the new custom metadata items in Gearset and then manually update the fields in production from the development settings to the production settings.
It would be great if there was something like the Octopus Deployment tool has where you can define configuration settings for each environment. Gearset would automatically update the field value based on the stored setting for the specific org.
Gearset would have a settings page something like:
'Org Alias' 'CM API Name' 'Label' 'Field' 'Value'
SIT DocuSignTemplatemdt Form1 TemplateId 1234
PRD DocuSignTemplate__mdt Form1 TemplateId 5678
On deployment to SIT, Gearset would replace the Custom Metadata TemplateId value already stored in the code repository, containing the DEV value, with 1234.