Documentation around ramifications of deleting a connection (and possibly an Archive option)
I haven't seen anywhere in the support documentation that details any ramifications (if any) when deleting a no longer needed Salesforce connection in GearSet.
The kind of ramifications I'm thinking about are:
Validated Packages based on the connection, could I still review/clone/deploy?
Deployment History - will all information still be available? Can I still clone from a previous deployment?
Comparison History - can I pull up a previous compare?
If there is any negative impact to the above, then it would be appropriate to have an "Archive" option for Salesforce connections. The thought with this would be one, the Salesforce Orgs screen could be filtered to only show Active and optionally show archived. Second, archived orgs would not be selectable as a source or target org in any compares/clones, etc.
At a minimum documentation of any ramifications would be extremely useful.

Hi Jonathan,
I have written a document detailing what happens when a connection is deleted.
You can view it here -
Thank you for your feedback and please do tell us if there is anything I've missed out.
Quinn Kuiper
Customer Success at Gearset
Hi Jonathan,
>Validated Packages based on the connection, could I still review/clone/deploy?
Yes, as the comparison is cached, you can still reivew it. You can clone from it, but you need to select an org connection that still exists. Yes you can still deploy the validated pacakge.>Deployment History - will all information still be available? Can I still clone from a previous deployment?
Yes the informaiton is still available, as it's cached. You can clone from it, but you need to select an org connection that still exists.>Comparison History - can I pull up a previous compare?
Yes.Does this all work as you'd expected it to?
Customer Success at Gearset