Allow searching Monitoring of a system by a specific record of metadata to see all the dates that the record changed
If I need to find when a specific thing was changed in our system, my only option is either to use the last edited date or to manually check every daily comparison from Monitoring to see if it changed. Since many metadata types do not reliably update the last edited date, it makes it much harder to find those changes. If I could choose a specific metadata record and use that to search the Monitoring to see when it changed, it would be much easier to find it.

Mike@Cirrius commented
We also have this need!
Here's the Use Case; We have an org that we've been monitoring for several months. Subsequently, we have logs for every day. It is incredibly time-consuming and cumbersome to have to open every single log in order to find in which logs a particular component(s) was altered. Ideally, it would be tremendously helpful to be able to search or filter these logs for a specific component or keyword similar to how we can filter/search within the comparison metadata. This feature would dramatically increase the ability to quickly and easily track down one or more daily logs which contained a reference to that component(s). The Monitoring Feature is already a huge help. Having the ability to quickly parse through them all would be a giant leap forward!
Thanks in advance for your consideration!
Michelle Busch commented
This is desperately needed! Too many times a field is accidently overwritten (or deleted) and there is no easy way to determine when it occurred.
Sage Bedell commented
Love this. This would make tracking down issues a LOT easier! I would love to be able to say something like "show me all updates that have happened to..." and then say a Record Type, Page Layout, Report Type, etc.