Workflow failed to deploy without error, due to standard object dependency
In a CI job : Validation shown as success & Deployment shown as success. But actually no workflow deployed due to it being removed in the Problem Analyser.
The Problem Analyser triggered due to the (standard) object, that the workflow depends on, not being in the comparison results.
In a traditional deployments object is not needed to deploy WF, that too standard object. I feel it is a gap - problem analysers should never fire on object dependency.
Rakesh commented
Also I am deploying only one Workflow in this case but it has added complete object's workflows file to the package.xml. So that every time when I modify single workflow gearset tries to deploy all workflow rules. Which is not ideal again. If I deploy the same using Change set , ANT or IDE I can deploy specific workflow alone without adding object as well. So I am expecting the same here as well.