Conflicts between the Feature branch and Promotion branch as comments in the Github PR.
Currently when there is a conflict between the feature branch and the promotion branch in Github- The Gearset Github app does not move new commits to the promotion branch. This totally makes sense but it is not obvious to a developer what is going on. I suggest that the Gearset app post a comment to the PR (or a message in the Github Check run maybe) that there is a conflict that needs to be resolved before new commits to the feature branch will propagate to the associated promo branches. Thanks!

Thank you for your feedback! We’ve recently enhanced the process around handling conflicts between feature branches and promotion branches, specifically to address the confusion you’ve mentioned.
Previously, when new commits are added to the feature branch:
1. Gearset would attempt to merge the feature branch into the promotion branch.
2. If conflicts were detected, Gearset would try to resolve them automatically using our custom git merge driver.
What’s new:
3. We’ve now introduced an additional safeguard. If the previous steps fail, Gearset will perform a forced reset of the promotion branch to match the feature branch. In addition, Gearset will post a comment on the Pull Request to explain the reset, ensuring full transparency.
This update ensures that the promotion branch accurately reflects the latest changes from the feature branch at all times, and that developers are kept in the loop whenever an intervention occurs.