Help us improve Gearset
We love getting feedback from our users on how we can make Gearset even better. Post your ideas for improvements, new features, and bug fixes alike, and vote for others – let us know what’s important to you.
360 results found
Support auto-complete in the dropdown for Source Control repos
Would it be possible to provide an autocomplete dropdown when selecting the git-repo? Similar to selecting the Salesforce-org.
2 votes -
Allow user to choose the folder in a git repo that contains metadata
Improve git access by allowing the user to define folder where metadata is stored in a git repo.
We are not keeping directly content of src in git branch but src folder because we have there also few other folders.
The problem is that if I try to compare sandbox with git then I am getting results that all files are new.
2 votesThat’s great!
I’m glad that the issue was resolved for you with the adjustment in the location of the package.xml.
Provide link to the deployment status
When CI Jobs are running or when monitoring a deployment, it would be nice to have a link to the target salesforce environment's deployment status page.
2 votesThis work has now been completed, so a link is shown on the `Deployment in progress…` page that will take you directly to the deployment status within the target Salesforce org.
Kevin -
Run external tools like PMD as part of Schedule Tests/Monitor Org
PMD tool that does apex code 'quality' measurements would be kind of cool to run (optionally) as part of a regular monitoring/test job. This could be generalized to any external tool
1 voteGearset will now run PMD to track code analysis as part of the Monitoring and Backup flow. The plan is to roll this out to other parts of the app so we can more easily track the change in code quality.
A way to view failed deployments from Gearset
Right now if a deployment fails in Gearset, it doesn't show up anywhere within Gearset; it just sends you an email. It would be nice to have a place to view failed deployments and retry them (maybe it only failed because the environment was locked), just like you can with successful deployments in Deployment History.
3 votesGearset now shows failed deployments on the deployment history page:
Online help for Manage custom filters
For large Orgs, doing a comparison with the default set of metadata types can take a long time, and so it is necessary to select a smaller subset of metadata types to compare.
However sometimes it is not obvious how a particular configuration change in Salesforce relates to the metadata types in the custom filters dialog, and what dependencies exist between them. For example, after changing "Override" settings in the "Transalation Workbench" in Salesforce, it is not immediately obvious that you need to select both "Custom object" and "Custom object translation" metadata types in Gearset, rather than the "Translations" metadata…
1 voteGearset now links to the metadata documentation for each Salesforce type.
If you think there is more information we should be displaying, or if you’d like some custom documentation, then just let us know!
Kevin -
What does the "Unknown" value mean in the Changed By column
How should I interpret the "Unknown" value under the Changed By column when viewing comparisons? In what scenarios would the value Unknown appear? Please advise
1 voteSalesforce does not return the full information for the changed on / by for some metadata items via the API. In these cases you’ll see “Unknown” as the changed by. This is typically components of larger objects, such as fields on a custom object. Gearset shows these as discrete components which can be deployed, but Salesforce generally only returns the changed information for the parent object. We are hoping that over time, Salesforce will improve the reporting of the API to include more information for these sub-components. As soon as it does, we will display that extra information. Hope that helps.
Prev/Next buttons did not function for setting the focus when in APEX view mode
When viewing an Apex class with differences, the Prev/Next buttons did not function for setting the focus in APEX view mode however they did function when in XML view mode.
2 votesWe’ve identified and fixed the issue. Thanks for reporting it.
Remember my default source control system and default to it
We use Bitbucket not git hub. So on compare metadata screen when I go to Source Control radio would be nice for the version system to default to bitbucket.
Small tweak I know but annoying to change every time. Easiest might be that the drop down list stays set to whatever system you used last?
3 votesHi Douglas,
I’m marking this as completed because this feature is already implemented and should remember the last VCS system you used – if it isn’t working then that’s a bug!
Note that it’s currently only implemented on the Compare and Deploy page, and is specific to the source/target (so using Bitbucket on the source side won’t carry over to the target side until you’ve used Bitbucket once on that side, and vice versa).
The preference is only saved when you actually kick off a comparison. Clearing your local storage for `` may clear up any issues if you’re having problems.
We’d love your feedback if this isn’t working or isn’t implemented as you’d expect it to be.
Oli -
Search for test classes
It would be nice to be able to search for test classes instead of having to type them out in a comma separated list. Gearset already has such a nice search capability and it would be great if it were applied to that dialog as well.
8 votesWe have made a release to address this, can you please let us know if this matches your expectations?
Allow for test options from Validated Packages tab
After validating a package, the Deploy button under the Validated Packages tab should offer the same test options (No tests, Specify tests, etc.) as it does during the normal deployment workflow.
1 voteThis can now be done by clicking the new Details button on a validation, which will take you to a page which includes the normal deployment workflow button with testing options.
Thanks for the suggestion!
- Oli
Be able to create a CI Job with the option to validate only (and quick deploy later).
For the case where users have committed changes to a "master" branch, it would be useful to automatically run a full validation on the new commit in the Production environment. In that way, a deployment manager can review the changes and quickly deploy a validated package that has passed all tests in Production.
7 votesHi Nghi,
We’ve added the ability to review and deploy a validation CI job.
Be able to require a commit message for deployments
Sometimes a user may forget to add in a commit message before deploying, so the history in our source control is "no commit message" which is not editable. Can we add a feature to be able to turn on marking commit messages as a requirement for deploy?
10 votesThis has now been shipped.
The team owner can now enable deployment notes to be required via the setting located in the account summary page.
Allow scheduled jobs to be assigned a different authentication user
We would like the ability to change over scheduled monitoring/testing jobs to a different authentication user. Currently if we need to switch an authentication we lose the history.
I leave my employer and I need to switch the monitoring over to another developer or admin. I have to delete all the current scheduled jobs and re-create them using the other users authorization. Which causes the history to be lost.11 votesThe feature was completed. The documentation is at
Add org name column to deployment history
We currently have to prefix the deployment friendly name in deployment history with our sandbox/org name to be able to sort by target. It is not easily filtered either as the name column includes both source and target. We would like to have the target org as its own column in deployment history, and have it use the org friendly name as the value if one has been set.
6 votes -
Specify friendly name before deployment
We would like to be able to specify the desired friendly name before a deployment completes, maybe above notes on the summary screen. The friendly name is copied from an existing draft, but when we clone from sandbox to sandbox and finally prod, there's no need to save a draft every time. Ideally, the friendly name would default to that of a cloned deployment as well.
4 votesThe ability to name the deployment from the pre-Deployment screen is now available, and will be used as the friendly name.
GitLab for destination of comparaison
I can't compare my sandbox org as source against my git repo as destination of compare.
I can see : gitHub, bitBucket as destination but no Gitlab.
It would be nice I if I could choose Gitlab as well and update my repo from changes in my org.17 votesWith our latest release, you can now add connections to any git-based repository using a username/password connection. This means you can now use GitLab as the target of your comparisons and deployments. See how to set up these connections in this blog post:
View deployed components from a CI Job
Display components deployed via a CI Job. In my case, there are a greater number of total objects deployed than I would have expected; but, I have no way of viewing the comparison for what is automatically being deployed.
6 votesGearset now supports viewing the underlying comparison that ran as part of your CI job.
Press the `View comparison` button beside a particular entry in the CI history to see the components
Add support for Visual Studio Team Services git repositories (Hosted TFS Git)
We use VTFS for version control hosted or OnPrem SVN for version control. Our enterprise architecture team has determine those are our 2 options for source control and Gearset doesn't support those options.
4 votesThis is in Gearset now. Try it out and let us know how you find it!
Ability to pause CI jobs
Ability to pause a CI job. This would allow the CI system to keep our sub environments (stage, dev, beta) updated all the time, but when we want to develop on one of them we could then pause the CI job so our changes don't get deleted. Then once we have deployed the changes to prod we can reactivate the CI job to keep things in sync.
5 votes
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