Help us improve Gearset
We love getting feedback from our users on how we can make Gearset even better. Post your ideas for improvements, new features, and bug fixes alike, and vote for others – let us know what’s important to you.
360 results found
Add an option to ignore package version differences in Apex classes
I see many differences between apex classes where the only difference is the package version(s), no difference in the code itself. It would be nice to have an option to filter these out so that only the apex classes are shown where the code is different.
17 votesThis was released on November 2nd, 2021.
Note this feature ignores package versions. Different package names will continue to be flagged as a difference.
Create GitHub App as alternative to GitHub OAuth
Gearset currently uses OAuth to connect to GitHub, and the way that works is that the OAuth connections have permissions to all repositories that my user has access to, which from a security perspective is a problem, because if the github key were ever compromised, it would provide very broad access to customers GitHub organizations.
Security teams would feel much better with the ability to limit the scope of access to just one repo instead of all the repos that my GitHub user has access to, which can be accomplished by creating a Github App which can be installed for…
10 votesThis is GA for GitHub Cloud
Gearset silently removes SocialPost Layout Permission when deploying
When deploying from one org to a git repo (or other org) and selecting Layout + Profiles gearset will display a Layout Permission for the "SocialPost" object. However when completing the deployment "SocialPost Layout Permission" is removed because deploying it would cause Salesforce validation errors. This is not displayed anywhere and always causes "SocialPost Layout Permission" to show as "New" when doing a comparison.
2 votesThis behaviour was converted to a problem analyzer as of July 23rd 2021.
You should now be able to include these Layout Permissions in your deployment by ignoring the suggestions from the "Items that can't be deployed through the Salesforce metadata API" analyzer
Retain Deployment Friendly Name and Notes After Failed Deployment
When attempting to validate a deployment, and the validation fails, Gearset retains the deployment's friendly name and notes fields from the validation. The user can make any necessary changes to the deployment, and won't have to re-type this information when attempting it a second or third time.
I'd like to see this same functionality when dealing with a failed deployment that doesn't use validation. Validating a package takes two steps (long steps), and typically I only want to use this option when delaying a deployment. However I often use it anyway just so I can retain my data in these…
3 votes -
Reuse earlier retrieved metadata, if nothing has changed
We have a large org and need to select many filters. A comparison take ages. Source of our deployments is mostly Git, which is very fast in retrieving metadata. I would like to have an option, to assume that nothing has changed in target and skip loading metadata of that org and use the metadata of an earlier comparison.
If we have a small bug in our Git (e.g, test class not correct), we get an error while deployment. That's okay. We fix it in about 1min and want to deploy again. Loading metadata from Git is instant finished loading…1 voteWe've recently made lots of improvements to comparisons which will improve performance. You can learn more in this video.
Show deployment friendly name on Deployment successful page
On the "Deployment successful" page, I'd like to see the Deployment friendly name displayed. This would be much more useful than the Salesforce Id that is currently displayed.
3 votesReleased this week
Desktop notification when deployment is complete
When you launch a deployment to a target org the browser tab (which will be one of many in your browser) shows Depl...
Since the user is multi-tasking, it would be helpful to add a desktop notification and change the browser tab to alert user when deployment is done (like what Gearset does when a comparison is completed)
This could be a D ✅ or D ❌ depending on whether deploy succeeded or failed
2 votesThis has now been released, with notifications for both failed and successful deployments.
Thanks for the suggestion! -
Identify that metadata is the same, even if ordered differently by metadata API
There are a lot of instances where the comparison will identify metadata as different, but the only difference is the way the API is ordering the XML. I've seen it happen a lot with picklist values on multi-select picklist fields. It would be nice to be able to turn this on/off somehow so that metadata that isn't truly different won't show up in the difference compare.
13 votesPlease see if anything else could be improved on in the feature description released in Nov 2021.
Support org shape parameter for creating Scratch Orgs
Currently definition files are required for creating scratch orgs but there is no support in GearSet for the use of the sourceOrg parameter as per the sfdx documentation here :
4 votesWe’ve now released support for the Org Shape feature which is available when creating a scratch org.
Make fail job optional for warning PMD analyses
As a developer leader, I don't want the job to fail if I get a warning from PMD. But I want to be notified if the code has any warning.
I would like the failure for warnings to be optional. But always be warned that it has flaws.1 voteThis is released as of now.
Add an option to ignore location changes for Flow
Hi, when reviewing changes for flows that are being deployed, it would be great to have a toggle option to hide or alternately color location changes which are just the location of elements on the flow canvas editor.
<locationY>1305</locationY>Sometimes there are hundreds of location changes and it obscures the important information about what else changed.
21 votesThe "simply differences" toggle in the comparison grid now hides location changes in flows to make it easier to identify important changes. The location changes are still included when deploying changes to the flow.
Prevent Deployments from Including LiveChatButton with Omni-Channel Routing
LiveChatButton metadata that is routed using OmniChannel is not supported with the Metadata API and the deployment will fail.
It would be great if Gearset had an analyzer to remove this for end-users to prevent the error.
The following property is null for LiveChatButtons routed through Omni-Channel
<routingType xsi:nil="true" />
1 voteWe have now released the problem analyser requested – thanks for the suggestion.
Search option when selecting a Data template
When choosing a template in a Data deployment, an option to search all templates is needed. We will be updating/modifying/saving new templates often and a manual scroll will become inconvenient. Control F works to find a template, but a dedicated search option would be preferable
1 vote -
Select individual fields in a Data deploy
Having the option to move up only selected fields in a Data deployment is needed. If we are required to move up all fields in each deployment, there are scenarios where our work will get bottlenecked in a sandbox on the way to production and at that point all the deployments will be identical.
4 votes -
Allow renaming of data deployment templates.
It would be very useful to be able to see the details behind data deployment templates and manage / rename them
1 voteThank you for your suggestion, Joost. You can rename a template that you’ve created by clicking the cog icon next to the templates drop-down on the Configure data deployment page, as described at the end of this doc:
If you have any questions please let us know!
Ability to activate / deactivate Flows / Processes as part of the meta data and/or data deployment process
It should be possible to have gearset to deactivate flows and/or processes based on a selection. And to roll-back afterwards. Similar to what has been created here:
10 votesHi, thank you for voting on this UserVoice.
Flows can now be deactivated in Gearset alongside validation rules and triggers before data deployments.
Click the View and disable rules... button in the bottom-right of the pre-deployment summary page (next to DEPLOY DATA) to prepare a special metadata comparison.
To deactivate a flow, simply select & deploy its corresponding flow definition.
Default option for the deployment component list for JIRA issues
I really like the feature to add a deployment component list to a JIRA ticket. I would like to have the ability to default this ON.
It is currently defaulted to OFF.1 voteWe’ve made this stick to the last deployment on the release of March 19th, 2021. This is per team basis.
CI Job notification email should report the actual errors directly instead of linking to CI Dashboard.
This potentially can help the team to collaborate on the errors directly on Teams messages.
For example, at present, the MS team notification says [A continuous integration validation job failed for validation job for PR # xx], but doesn't say which CI job name or what the validation/deployment error was.
1 voteCompleted on 11/03/2021
Validation job ownership should be transferred
Good to have capabilities to transfer ownership of validation job to other member in the team so as if one person is on vacation then there should be easy way to transfer ownership of validation job to other member so as if required - Adjustment can be done to CI jobs.
1 vote -
Retain source control branch selection when cancelling a comparison
If you click "compare now" and then click "cancel" before it finishes, the "compare metadata" screen retains your selection for orgs, but does not retain the branch selection for source control.
It defaults to the first branch by alphabetical order versus what I selected before I cancelled. This can cause confusion for users who do not notice.
1 voteThis has now been implemented and should have the expected behaviour
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