Allow me to exclude metadata.
I have certain metadata which is broken or dangerous to migrate from a dev org, I'd like to exclude it from this and subsequent releases. If I could 'right click' and ignore it that would be good.

Evgeniy Sabilin commented
Issue from 2017 and still no solution to exclude certain object from a CI job filter without having to manually add every new object every time you have one... this is stupid..
Our metadata comparison filter now supports using regex to exclude metadata which would give you the ability to create various rules to not include items for comparison.
Phil Spenceley commented
While the granular comparison filters allow you to specify named metadata items, I see exclude as a way of including all except these specific items.
The inclusion of named options currently available means that if I saved a metadata filter so exclude some specific classes to use in a CI Job, then added some new classes, I'd have to manually update the metadata filter and my CI job to add the new classes? Whereas an exclude option would just maintain the exclude list. -
I believe the new granular comparison filters feature would enable this ability in many ways. You could select the orgs, let the list metadata call finish, deselect the items you don't want to include in the comparison (or manually add them), save the filter and apply it when running a comparison.
It wouldn't quite fit with a particular workflow in terms of seeing it from the results grid and indicating to exclude it - but does get you quite a bit of the way there if you pre-configure what to exclude from a filter.
Anonymous commented
This would be amazing, running into the same "problem" right now, where I don't want to see certain objects custom fields / workflows, but I want to see all the other ones.