Filter on selected items
I want to quickly be able to identify components that have not been reviewed by only seeing unselected items in the "Changed items", "New items" and "Deleted items" top level filters.
seeing the ones I have already selected slows down productivity and I have to scroll through them. If I want to see them I can always look at the "All items" section. This information is also available in the difference type column.

Josh Long commented
I agree this can be extremely helpful.
When in a Comparison and on one of the groups (New Items) along with the many other filters available a possible "unselected" or "unchecked" option would be very useful.
Basically a way to ensure an item isn't missed because it was hard to see.New Items > Metadata Type(filtered to "Custom Field") > Name(filtered to "abc") > Checkbox(unchecked) = removes the 200 items I may have already checked from my results leaving a much smaller list of items to review and verify if we need to select or not.