Allow complex filters and child relationships on filters for data loading
Allow complex filters and child relationships on filters for data loading. For example, filter the Account to only load if the Owner is an Active user in the system.
Brenda Finn commented
Additionally adding support for complex filter logic similar to what is allowed in Salesforce Process Builders/Flows/SOQL - something like
(Purpose__c = 'Primary' AND
Product__r.RecordType.DeveloperName != 'Membership') OR Product__r.RecordType.DeveloperName = 'Services -
Harish commented
Advanced filters on child relationships would help a lot
Scott Mercer commented
Using formulas is an acceptable workaround, but it would be nice to be able to filter on common relationships such as RecordType.DeveloperName with needing to create a formula field.
Martin commented
Having to modify the org/metadata in order to use a Gearset feature isn't ideal -- this would stop me from using Gearset on our live instance. Adding a formula smells like one of those workarounds that I'm used to in the Salesforce-only world, but I would wish for Gearset to have a bit more advanced filters come stock :)
In an ideal world, the uber poweruser tool for me would be to somehow incorporate in SOQL queries for sourcing data. Those are already relationship-aware and can do all kinds of filtering. I'm sure it would be a lot of work to get something like this into a sensible shape/format, but in an ideal world...
Screenshot example of a query I'd use for Jody's example:
It's now possible to filter records by formula fields on the Salesforce object.
This allows you to create the complex formulas on your objects and filter by those fields in Gearset.
This article has more information on how to set this up:
Please let us know if you have any feedback on this filtering!