Report Missing Dependencies on Lightning pages
Right now, if you include a lightning page in a deployment and do not include any of the components on the page (list view, report chart, etc), the problem analyzer finds no issue with it.
Even if the report is not in the target or is included in the compare, the analyzer always finds no issue with the lightning page.
It'd be great to have it function like other metadata where it would alert you to missing components in your package (by suggesting to include all referenced list views, reports, etc on the lightning page).
Loren D`Amico commented
Here's some more examples:
Component [lst:dynamicRelatedList] attribute [relatedListApiName]: Could not find related list ... for entity ...
Field ... does not exist. Check spelling.
Something went wrong. We couldn't retrieve or load the information on the field: ... -
Loren D`Amico commented
I regularly run into this problem when trying to move apps, an object with it's lightning pages, etc.
Eric Kintzer commented
Examples include:
* Missing AuraComponent (e.g. <identifier>c_MyAura</identifier__c>
* Missing single related list
* Missing ListView (e.g. [flexipage:filterListCard] attribute [filterName]: Error retrieving filter [MyFilter] for entity [MyObject]