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275 results found

  1. Jira Integration: Include the option to add a comment in JIRA with the URL of the pull request created from Gearset + Assign reviewers

    After a deployment to a git branch, gearset allows to create the pull request from Gearset. It would be nice to:
    1. Have an option to add the pull request URL to the deployment notes
    2. Have the capability of add reviewers (users from the git repo) into the Pull Request

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  2. Add possibility to save custom filter RegEx for subcomponents

    If you want to deploy new fields and field level security, I want to create a custom filter that hides all profile setting except of field level security and make that custom filter reusable.
    Unfortunately RegEx only works on top level elements. In this case profile names. That doesn't make sense since that would hide field level security too.

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  3. API to provision users, assign users to connected organisations

    API to provision users, assign users to connected organisations

    It would be hugely benificial to us (60+ connected organisations, 25 employees working in teams for multiple clients at a time) if we could programatically provision/deprovision users and provide access to connected organisations via an api.

    At the moment this is error prone manual work that has to be done by someone with high level access (and as such is usually already short on time).

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  4. Searching for work item should allow for searching by ticket #

    When searching for work items to associate to a deployment, user should be able to enter ticket IDs rather then key words from the Azure DevOps ticket title. This will make it easier to search larger backlogs.

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  5. Support JWT authorization to DevHubs

    If Gearset could authorize the DevHub using a JWT (requires DevHub to have a Connected App and Gearset to be given the clientId + server.key + username) ...

    * Scratch orgs created by Gearset could be accessible to any other machine provided that machine is using the sfdx force:auth:jwt:grant command (same clientId, server.key,, and username of scratchOrg)
    * This is a prerequisite to any outgoing webhook that wants to auth against the CI scratch org
    * This is a convenience feature to IDE users who want to auth against a Gearset-created scratch org without having to get a…

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  6. Migration/Deployment Path

    In cases where you have multiple environments, provide an option to define a migration/deployment path; ability to define what environment is the source and what is the target. This will be useful in cases where we have requirement to deploy changes to say production from a specific environment (UAT).

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  7. Suppress the <deprecated> tag in CustomObject, CustomField

    When retrieving metadata from 1GP packaging orgs, the <deprecated> tag appears in the source and, if you deploy to VCS, is preserved. But if you subsequently deploy to a scratch org, and back to VCS, the deprecated tag no longer appears in the scratch org and thus shows up as a diff in the Difference Viewer - confusing the user.

    Doc says this tag is reserved for future use and until such time as it is used, suppress

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  8. Add ability to customize CI Dashboard

    We have a number of different teams using Gearset with a number of different CI jobs. I don't care to see their jobs in my dashboard and they don't care to see my jobs on their dashboard. It would be great to be able to customize my dashboard so that I only see the jobs I'm interested in. Maybe it's some sort of flag on job to be able to add/remove from dashboard or maybe its a separate tab called 'My CI Jobs Dashboard' that we could default to when opening CI Jobs. Thanks for your consideration.

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  9. Tie scratch org URL to enumerated list of scratch orgs on My Connections

    UX suggestion (tie list of scratch orgs to URL)

    If you use Gearset to create a scratch org, the list of scratch orgs on the My Connections page does not tie to the visible URL of the scratch org you log into

    This gets to be a real issue for the multi-tasker who might have several scratch org tabs open at once but has no way of knowing which one is which vis-a-vis the Gearset enumeration of how the scratch org was logged into the first place. Drilling into the user's name is too clunky

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  10. ability to filter on components

    i would like to see the ability to filter deployments based on the components, just like the "Metadata comparison filter:" under Compare and Deploy option

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  11. Only see deployment history for Orgs you have access to

    We would like to only see Deployment History for the Orgs we have access to. Our clients brought this up as a concern during our deployment meetings.

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  12. Create Scratch Org dialog should echo DevHub name

    When you Create a Scratch Org, the dialog that appears doesn't echo the DevHub name used to associate the scratch org. Since one's Gearset user account could be authorized to multiple DevHubs, one loses the thread (breadcrumb) to which DevHub is being used for the new scratch org

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  13. Add NotificationTypeConfig metadata type

    There is a new metadata type in API 48.0 NotificationTypeConfig. It would be great if you can add it.

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  14. inform users they're logged in somewhere else when failing concurrent logins

    When a user might attempt to log into their account from a second computer (or VM), its appropriate to fail their login on the second computer. Right now, there is no indication that this has occurred because they're already logged in elsewhere. The error talks about adding Gearset IPs to Salesforce, but the issue is being logged in already.

    I suggest telling us we're already logged in. It's easy to forget!


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  15. Include support to name space filter to include option to include unlocked packages with no namespace

    Currently there is no way to retrieve and compare components belong in an unlocked package with no name space without using the 'include managed package' namespace filter 'all' option.

    this might include too many items that I am not interested in.

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  16. Metadata filter - ability to select Report/Dashboard folders by parent folder name

    When setting up a metadata filter for a new comparison, when it comes to Reports and Dashboards, it would save sooooo much time if they could be selected according to the top-level/parent folder that they reside in. That would enable the ability select all reports within a single parent folder at once, rather than having to select reports separately which reside in a nested/child folder.

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  17. Link to salesforce source records

    When reviewing a Comparison with Salesforce as a source or target, include a link to the Setup/Configuration page that is being compared. For example, a link to a Page Layout that the user could click to jump right to the Layout in the appropriate Salesforce environment. There are times when we review Comparisions and need to see the source outside of Gearset and this gets the user there much faster.

    The link would appear in the header of the Comparison window, near where "SOURCE" and "TARGET" are listed.

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  18. A configuration to prevent deployment from certain Sandbox Org into Production org

    In most of Tech industry deployment lifecycle, all code or config changes are ideally pushed into production only from a FullCopy Sandbox(Commonly Known as Staging Environment).

    It would be very good to have a feature in GearSet App which if enabled shouldn't allow user deploying data from Dev/DevPro/Partial Sandbox into Production Org.

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  19. Modify the "Changed On" drop down filter groupings to round to the nearest day, rather than the exact time the change was made.

    It would be helpful if in the "Changed On" dropdwn filter if it grouped it into days, rather than the exact time the change was made. Also, if there were preset groupings like "Today","Yesterday","Last 7 Days", etc.

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  20. Ability to change Formula Fields to other Field Types

    Gearset doesn't help with one of the most common deployment headaches: changing a formula field to a non-formula field type. It's still a nightmare even with Gearset.

    What would be awesome would be if you had a "Change Field Type Wizard" where we could say FormulaField1 needs to become TextField1 and it would do multiple deployments to accomplish the changeover:
    - get components
    - deploy temp field of new type AND update all existing components to reference the temp field instead of the formula field
    - deploy delete of formula field
    - deploy text field in place of the old…

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