Help us improve Gearset
We love getting feedback from our users on how we can make Gearset even better. Post your ideas for improvements, new features, and bug fixes alike, and vote for others – let us know what’s important to you.
247 results found
Allow users to select a default comparison view between 'Permissions View' and 'XML view'.
During comparisons, I constantly have to select the XML view when I click through rows of metadata as it keeps defaulting back to the Permissions View, I don't particularly find the permissions view that useful and I'm also used to XML views, would appreciate if you could give users a choice in a 'default' view to improve experience.
2 votes -
new comparison tool issues
new comparison method/view has a few bugs/bad ideas
when selecting a comparison pair & comparison filter on the "saved comparison pairs" page, the chosen filter does not carry through to the new screen & has to be re-applied
once in the comparison screen, there is no "sele3cted" button like on the legacy page. - this is crucial to know where I'm up to with selecting the parts to release.
2 votes -
Add support for CMS Collections
Please add support for CMS Collections in the comparison filters as well as the deployments and CI jobs.
We're working with CMS Collections in our current developments of a customer community and we'd like to deploy this metadata as well.1 vote -
Vlocity Metadata Types collapse during Compare & Deploy
When you start the Compare & Deploy, for Salesforce Objects, you see all the metadata types broken out as they get completed for 204 types. For Vlocity there are 83 types to select, but when you run the comparison, it collapses to just 1 type of Vlocity. It should show progress similar to hwo the Salesforce Metadata types work
1 vote -
Save sort order in Saved comparison pairs
It would be nice that the chosen sort order of the saved comparison pairs could be saved.
If I choose to sort the saved comparison pairs on Friendly name and i open a new tab of gearset, the saved comparison pairs in the new tab are sorted on last used. It would be nice that in the new tab, the saved comparison pairs are sorted based on the same column as the previous tab.1 vote -
Add an option to ignore API version differences during comparisons
When comparing Apex, and other files with API versions the difference engine will mark any files with higher API version as "changed", even if the API version is the only change. This can be undesirable when there have been bulk updates to the API version that have not been made in the development environments. It would be great if the comparison engine could make it clearer when the only difference between two files is an API version (especially when the target is on a higher API version)
1 vote -
Picklist Comparison should show if value is active/inactive
When comparing a picklist in which we have deactivated values, the simplified comparison visualization shows the deactivated values as being "added" (in green, on the source side).
The XML reveals <isactive>false</isactive> is being added, but the simplified view seems to suggest new values are added instead
1 vote -
Configure the "Saved Comparison Pair" to always use a specific Comparison Filter
When managing multiple orgs, and running comparisons, the Saved Comparison Pair saves a lot of time. However, sometimes we need to use different Comparison Filters, based on which environments we are comparing.
Instead of first choosing the Comparison Pair, then manually selecting the Comparison Filter to use, it would be great to be able to (optionally) configure the Comparison Pair to use a specified Comparison Filter.
Example Use Case:
When committing work from our Dev org to BitBucket, we exclude Apex Classes & Triggers, and mainly commit declarative functionality (Apex code is committed separately from our dev team). All development…
4 votes -
Use location of metadata in source branch or local folder when adding to target branch
When adding a file from a branch or local folder (source) to another branch (target) not having the file, use its location in the source as the location in the target.
Currently all new files are placed in the default folder [1].
Let's assume a new file, "HelloWorld.cls", in the source is located in .../force-app/main/default/classes/special/ and that class doesn't exist in the target. When the deployment is complete the file should exist in the target's .../force-app/main/default/classes/special/ folder, matching its location in the source. Currently it would be placed in .../force-app/main/default/classes/.
1 vote -
Add support for OverrideSettings for Vlocity datapacks
It would be great if there is a way to set up OverrideSettings for the deployment pipeline. For example, FilterFields can be specified, so those fields are removed from the datapack before being committed to the git repo.
This should help to reduce the number of differences in the compare view when e.g. Salesforce IDs are different or empty attributes are added.
2 votes -
Filter metadata types based on whether org is licensed for that metadata or user permissions for that metadata
Compare 2.0 Metadata types
Why am I seeing Fuel Type and Fuel Type Sustainability Unit of Measure ? Running user needs a special permission set to see these metadata types and I, as running user in Gearset, don’t have this permission set.
This is an example of a general suggestion wherein if the source org/running user isn’t licensed/permissioned for some SFDC metadata, it shouldn’t appear in the (lengthy) enumeration of metadata types
Other examples are Live Chat XXX, PaymentGatewayProvider, SchedulingXXX,SustainabilityUom,SustnUomConversion, WebStoreXXX and many more
1 vote -
Allow XML comparison to be exported
Being able to extract the XML for the change and the target's differences would allow us to analyze and track label/code changes versus just ordering or location changes.
My issue is similar to the "Enhance XML meta data comparison to ignore changes in XML order" and "Export Comparison details all items" and "Allow download of XML files from the comparisons page"
1 vote -
Search with components returned by metadata comparison
Performing a search across the returned components xml would be helpful. In our org we add a JIRA ticket reference to the Description - having the ability to search for the ticket number string would help narrow the list.
1 vote -
Ability to move existing field to be under another section on layout
If I have multiple sections on my layout.
I have a specific field under one layout section, but now I changed the layout so the field no is moved to another section.
Now I can't do that because the compare and deploy forces me to override the existing section where the field is under.
My intention is to move the field place to be under another section and not delete the other layout section1 vote -
Add exclusion filters for Pipelines
Currently, the metadata filters in pipeline (CI) jobs are either all of a type of metadata, or a defined subset. There is no option to include all, except for a couple of objects, which is oftentimes required.
Please consider adding a negative (exclusion) filter for CI jobs, in addition to the existing positive (inclusion) filters.1 vote -
Include DataWeaveResource in comparisons and deployments
DataWeaveResource has been around for a few releases and is deployable via the Metadata API, but is not supported by Gearset yet. Please include this.
1 vote -
Persist Selection to Include/Exclude Managed Packages in Compare 2.0
When using the new compare, the default is to exclude managed packages. However, we'd like to always include them, so it would be nice to persist the selection from one compare to the next.
1 vote -
default repository
Allow to set a default repository when you have multiple repositories.
- Navigate to Compate and Deploy
- Select Source Control and select a VCS(in our case Gitlab Self Managed)
- If you have dozens of repositories they all show up on the list
- Need ability to specific a default repo which will be auto selected
3 votes -
1 vote
Show Created by and Created Date in Comparison view
I'd like to see created by and created date in the comparison view. Sometimes we have multiple users working on items and I may not be the last to modify something but I am the one to deploy it and if I am the creator, I know what it is named but it makes it hard to sift down if I can only show modified by and modified date.
2 votes
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