Help us improve Gearset
We love getting feedback from our users on how we can make Gearset even better. Post your ideas for improvements, new features, and bug fixes alike, and vote for others – let us know what’s important to you.
247 results found
Ability to choose whether or not to respect the forceignore file
Would like a checkbox on the comparison screen that allows me to choose whether or not the comparison will respect the contents of the forceignore file. (Similar to the checkbox allowing you to choose whether or not the comparison should use the package.xml file).
Our usage of Gearset does not align with our usage of the forceignore file for automated deployments. In fact, we often use Gearset to manually compare and/or deploy items that we specifically ignore for automated deployments.
Summary of problem this new feature has introduced:
We use gearset for org -> git deployments, and for git ->…5 votes -
Ability to cherry pick changes in a file
When comparing changes between a source org and a target org for a given file/metadata component, it will be great to have the ability to choose which change(s) should be promoted from the source org to the target org.
Presently, it's an all-or-nothing scenario i.e. either one deploys all the changes to a given file from source to target or deploys none. As a workaround, we cherry pick changes to a file using VSCode and then deploy to the target org using VSCode –– which is the exception to our "all metadata changes must be deployed through Gearset" policy.
5 votes -
Display Permission Set changes as one entry
When working with Permission Set changes, it sometimes would be useful to see them grouped by Permission Set instead of being disaggregated by field. For example, we are migrating from using Profiles to Permission sets to grant all access. Currently, if we make changes to many (>100) fields in two different Permission Sets, we have to review many (>100) entries. Also, grouping by permission set would allow us to deploy changes to one Permission Set while ignoring the other.
2 votes -
Add support for deploying a name change to a SFDC component (such as profile)
We occasionally change profile names during permssions clean-up projects. Currently, when you deploy a profile with a changed name, Gearset recognizes it as a "new" and a "deleted" profile, instead of a single "changed" component, which makes the deployment challenging.
I know that the name is used as an identifier, since the Id may not always match between source and target. However, if you add support for this, the tool could try to identify components with name changes by looking for the same Id in source and target with a changed name.
2 votes -
Individual Assignment ruleEntry
Please Allow us to Deploy individual Assignment ruleEntry rather than the whole file/set, similar to components in other objects, sharing rules.
1 vote -
1 vote
Allow individual lines to be selected for inclusion or exclusion of a deployment
Allow individual lines to be selected for inclusion or exclusion of a deployment
47 votesEDIT:
Gearset now lets you select specific fields in layouts for a deployment.
Here's a quick article on getting started with precision deployments for layouts:
We are working on adding support for more metadata types such as record types, value sets, Lightning pages and other XML types.
Add "Manage Custom Filters" button next to Metadata Comparison Filter dropdown
I find myself always going into the "Manage custom filters" screen as it allows you to see what metadata you're including and even change the selected filter.
To get to that screen always requires a click on the drop down (Metadata Comparison Filter) and then another click at the very top on "Manage Custom Filters".
It'd be great if the "Manage Custom filters" gear/button was displayed on the main UI next to the "Metadata Comparison Filter" to save time (avoid clicking on the dropdown) and allow users to quickly get to the Manage Custom filters screen which contains all you…
4 votes -
The Action Order in the XML should follow the sortOrder
Sometimes there is a difference between a object because the order of the platformActionListItems are different. Sometimes an item with order 0 comes first, but it is possible that an item with 9 comes first. This is probably an error in Salesforce API, but Gearset should order this list before the comparison so 0 will always be the first item.
2 votes -
Avoid spurious differences in LeadConvert
SFDC seems to retrieve the lead convert settings in non-deterministic order between orgs . Display only true changes/adds/deletes rather than differences in ordering of the mappings as they make no difference to the runtime execution of Lead Conversion
1 vote -
Use package xml to populate metadata filter
I suggest to add the ability to upload the package.xml manifest files to populate the metadata filter before the comparison step of an org to git or org to org deployment.
A lot of Salesforce developers use package.xml files locally to deploy some parts of the functionality in order to speed up the deployment process.
Currently, Gearset allows you to select the components via Custom Filters, but it is slow to select about 20 components manually. Uploading the package manifest from the local machine can speed up the process very much,1 vote -
Support for WaveXmd metadata is missing
If we replace default DataSet in Einstein Analytics, it creates another type of metadata "WaveXmd". Support for the deployment of this metadata is missing from Gearset and as per discussion with Gearset team, it's a bug. Could you please fix it.
2 votes -
swapping source and target after compare
I was doing compare between our 2 orgs (Source: UAT, Target: DEVSTG) and I realized that I got the order wrong. Should be (Source: DEVSTG, Target: UAT). But the compare has already completed.
I wish there is a way to just flip (swap) the source and target without re-comparing as it takes some time comparing between orgs.
9 votes -
Consistently position the Source > Target UI element
In the various screens of a comparison + deployment, the Source > Target element jumps around:
- Top of the page for the Comparing... page
- Middle of the page for the Compare page
- Top-left for the Comparison Summary page
- Top-right for the Deployment page
- Middle of the page for the Deployment Results pageDuring this process, I am constantly double-checking to make sure that I am using the correct Source & Destination environments so as not to make a mistake. Instead of scanning the entire screen to see where this is annotated, I would like to…
2 votes -
Display more workflow subcomponents under Workflow for Metadata filter
Currently, two sub-components display under Workflow when selecting metadata types within a filter.
- WorkflowAlert
- WorkflowRule
There's more sub-components than those two and I'd argue that there's two that are frequently used that should be included for visibility
- WorkflowFieldUpdate
- WorkflowOutboundMessage
There's 2 more, but these may be used less frequently and not needed for visibility
- WorkflowKnowledgePublish
- WorkflowTask
2 votes -
csv export comparison CSV doesn't identify source and targets
When you export a comparison (e.g. selected items), the CSV has column headers for Source and Target. So, someone looking at the CSV can't tell what the source was (org friendly name/repo+branch name) or what the target was (" ")
The file name identifies the source org by .... but no friendly name which is key when source is a scratch org. No identification of the target at all in the csv file name.
1 vote -
Once the comparison is completed. Gearset should tell us which commit Id belongs that changes.
Gearset should allow the users to deploy per branch. User will be allowed to cherry pick commit Ids then that commit ids will be package and able to deploy it.
1 vote -
Show/Flag what unlocked package elements are getting updated on Monitoring Jobs
When you look at the details of a monitoring job there is a field called "Packages Afftected" that shows green when is 0 and orange when >0.
There is a description that says...
Unlocked packages have been modified. View the comparison to see details.
However, when you look at the details there is nothing there to see what unlocked package element was modified. So the warning it is not very helpful at all.
Can this be implemented so that the warning is actionable.
2 votes -
Avoid manual selection of component while compare and deploy
Good to have options in Gearset to auto select changed metadata files(changed as a part of pull request) while doing Compare and deploy.
Imagine one pull request number 5377 (which is changing 200 metadata files moved from 1 branch to another branch).
Now while doing compare and deploy It is good to have options which auto select this 200 metadata for comparison. This can help me from this manual selection of 200 metadata files which is very time consuming.1 vote -
add files to a gitignore during Suggested Fixes
When I make a comparison, Gearset will helpfully check the deployment and offer suggestioned fixes, such as... exclude object components belong to managed packages. now, i can agree to that solution and exclude those files, the problem is they persist every time i make a comparison, they always show up as changes. Would it make sense to be able to add them to a list of ignored changes?
1 vote
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