Help us improve Gearset
We love getting feedback from our users on how we can make Gearset even better. Post your ideas for improvements, new features, and bug fixes alike, and vote for others – let us know what’s important to you.
76 results found
Provide More Detailed Information on Data Deployment Summary Steps
Currently the data deployment summary displays an elaborate interface but with very little useful information other than record counts. On the right side are Steps, but those steps do not tell the user much. I can see that in one step x records were fetched, for example, and in another step y records were fetched, but I can't see WHY.
Example use case: I had a situation where I was filtering an object but the filter wasn't being honored (more records were being deployed than expected). I could see from the data deployment summary that one of the steps was…
1 vote -
Add a way so we can easily integrate commits into Salesforce.
What I mean by this is, give users the ability to create and associate commits from in Gearset to a custom Object in Salesforce.
The commit would create a new record in Salesforce, under the custom object, let's call it 'Commits'.
We'd be able to pass through data such as the commit status, the ID of the commit, a link to the commit itself taking us back to Gearset, the name, and author, etc, etc...
I'd imagine this is possible through the use of the BitBucket API, however with SF teams who lack developer resources, this would be a nice…
1 vote -
Enable source control as source/target in Data Deployments
It would be great if we could add source control as an option for Data Deployments, this will be useful in cases where we want to backup copies of CPQ record data which manage configurations to our source control repository.
3 votes -
I would like to be able to deploy directly from environment variables.
This feature would allow me to setup each sandbox environment after doing a refresh from production.
5 votes -
Data Deployment Template that supports complex rules
Looking to be able to setup a Data Deployment template that supports complex rules with record limits.
For example...
- Select 100 accounts that have been modified recently that belong to division A that contain at least 1 contact, 1 opportunity and 1 activity.
- Select 100 accounts that have been modified recently that belong to division B that contain at least 1 contact, 1 opportunity and 1 activity.
- Select 100 accounts that have been modified recently that belong to division C that contain at least 1 contact, 1 opportunity and 1 activity.Currently have to build 3 or…
3 votes -
Allow Data Deployment to handle more complex structures
Currently, user is able to select Obj A, Obj B that references Obj A, Obj C that references Obj B. And, in the next step of data deployment it allows user to select Objects where Obj A, B or C, and objects references by those objects.
If we ignore above example, I want to be able to select: objA(id), objB(id, objA), objC(id, objB, objD), objD(Id), objE(Id, objD). Where the first object I select and everything else is filtered on is objA.
1 vote -
Provide a better error when "invalid or null picklist values" is thrown.
"invalid or null picklist values" is thrown and i have too many picklists to figure out which one is the issue. Please provide speicific fields that are causing errors.
1 vote -
Data deployments should ask if you want to Insert or Update or Insert & Update data
Data deployments should ask if you want to Insert or Update or Insert & Update data.
Currently it always performs data upsert only
1 vote -
One-click Sandbox data deployment of all objects
I think a great feature would be for the tool to be able to copy all object data from one org to a sandbox, and if the amount of data is too large for the sandbox, allow the user to specify what objects to take sample data from - and how - i.e. take no data from a certain object,or take 5% of the latest created data, etc. It would be helpful to show the objects that have the most data.
1 vote -
Allow the capability to deploy to multiple Salesforce organizations within one deployment
Currently you can only push to 1 Salesforce org, however, we manage multiple organizations and would like the capability to push the same package to multiple organizations
2 votes -
Allow serial deployment instead of parallel
When executing a data deployment, an 'Unable to lock row' error can occur if multiple transactions try to lock the same record in Salesforce.
Because the batches are executed parallel, the chances of getting this error high, depending on the situation.
For example the master record in a master:detail relationship will always get locked when a DML is executed on the child record.
If two batches are executed at the same time and they both have at least 1 record that references the same parent, then a locking error will occur.6 votes -
Add option to make picklist fields non-restricted before performing a data deployment
Similar to being able to disable validation before performing a data deployment it would be very useful if there was an option to automatically uncheck the "Restrict picklist to the values defined in the value set" option for some or all of the picklist fields in a deployment.
We have data that includes picklist values that are no longer active this causes errors on individual records as part of the load. Currently I have to pick through all the errors manually then uncheck the option for the corresponding picklists fields on the target org. Then after performing the deployment I…
2 votes -
Allow masking of State and Country to recognize API values
If the State and Country lists have been updated so the API values are set to ISO country codes the Masking of those fields during a data deployment does not work.
Data Load errors: '"FIELDINTEGRITYEXCEPTION:There's a problem with this country, even though it may appear correct. Please select a country/territory from the list of valid countries.: Billing Country:BillingCountry --"'Disabling masking works around the issue.
It would be great if the application could check the State/Country list and utilize the API values for masking.1 vote -
Replicating Data should include backups as a source
Currently its possible to replicate data from a backup job by going into the backup run and clicking replicate data.
However, this is extra steps... its would be good if you could just select backups as a source from the data deployment screen.
1 vote -
Create a Data Deployment Template for migrating Territory Management (1.0 & 2.0)
I would like to see a gearset defined template for Territory Management in Salesforce. I am definitely in need of this functionality as it seems to be a post deployment step once you deployed all Territory Management metadata.
in ETM 2.0 for example, after deploying the related metadata you need to deploy all related records for UserTerritory2Association Object, this contains who are the users assigned to a territory.
Not a big template but can be a good thing to have as a preset.
3 votes -
Preview of records for data deployment
It would be great either via the UI or a downloadable file/CSV, if we could see all the records that will be migrated in the data deployment. We're able to see the list of successful or failed records after the fact, it'd be nice to see the list of proposed records before hand. This would help identify if we're in the correct ballpark, say 500 records vs. 5000, and not knowing that until after the deployment gets attempted.
4 votes -
Unable to import/export translations using .stf file using greaset
Currently gearset allows to deploy translations from one org to another org, however we do not have an option to do the translations using .stf file /excel for the fisrt time in any one of the org
5 votes -
Show how big a data deployment is going to be when deploying, as some Salesforce sandboxes have a limit of 1GB
I suggest you have functionality to show how big a data deployment is going to be when deploying, as some Salesforce sandboxes have a limit of 1GB
2 votes -
Include validation rules and triggers of managed packages in 'Compare and deploy disabled rules'
When configuring a data deployment there is an option to disable validation rules and triggers on the target org. However the validation rules of objects of a managed package don't get included in this comparison. Triggers of a managed package are also not included.
I'm not sure if it will be possible to disable the triggers, but for validation rules this should be possible.
2 votes -
Deactivate email deliverability on Data Deployment
User email are masked in Sandboxes and we can mask Contact emails as part of the data deployment. This still leaves the Org Wide addresses as valid emails. If there is automation that is generating emails related to the data that is loaded, they will be delivered to the Org Wide Addresses.
It would be useful if the same script that is deactivating validation rules could set email deliverability to systems emails at the same time.
In the even that email deliverability was set to all emails in the Sandbox and not adjusted before the data deployment we would have…
4 votes
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