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76 results found

  1. Allow components to be added or removed from an data deployment template

    Currently when a data deployment template is created, there is no way to edit the template after it is saved so that components can be added or removed. It would be helpful if we could modify the components in the template without having to create the template from scratch again.

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  2. Schedule data deployments

    The current data deployment functionality works fine for one-off deployments, but if you are trying to keep specific data in sync across multiple orgs, the ability to schedule data deployments for a given time in the future would let you deploy on a recurring basis automatically. Becomes especially helpful when combined with the current data filtering options.

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  3. Enable Field Level Mapping for Data Deployments

    Currently there is no field mapping option available for Data Deployment of Objects. This is a big blocker if we want to migrate selective fields data across Salesforce instances.

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  4. Add Support for Pre/Post Data Deployment Scripts

    Some of my more complex data objects require that I turn off Validation Rules during deployment, then back on again after deployment.

    Options that would work:

    • BEST: List of Validation rules under each object and and option to temporarily disable on a one-by-one basis during the deployment. A "Disable All Validation Rules During Deployment" option would be helpful if this feature is implemented.

    • BETTER: Ability to specify metadata xml to apply to each sobject pre and post deployment.

    • GOOD: Ability to specify anonymous Apex to execute pre and post deployment. This would involve a callout to the Metadata API, which…

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  5. Delete records from the target org during a data deployment

    Provide options to delete records from Target Org. This will help clean up of test data and reload from Source.

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  6. Set fields to a specific value during a data deployment

    When deploying Data, it would be nice to be able to set field values. It could be just to null them or set a value. It could be part of the configuration or data masking.

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  7. Support user record migration from production to sandbox or scratch orgs

    New users are often created in the production org that need to be monitored and brought back to sandboxes as well. It would be great if the data deployment tool could support moving user records from prod to sandboxes or scratch orgs.

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  8. Allow complex filters and child relationships on filters for data loading

    Allow complex filters and child relationships on filters for data loading. For example, filter the Account to only load if the Owner is an Active user in the system.

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  9. Select a set of data deployment templates and run them in order

    Ability to build sequence of data load (choose a list of data load templates and have to possibility to run them automatically in sequence). The sequence can be changed.

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  10. Provide the ability to get a deployment report on multiple deployment packages

    Instead of having to download the deployment report individually for multiple deployments, I would like to be able to select multiple deployments and download one report that contains a list of all files that were deployed as part of the multiple deployments. It is too cumbersome to manually download a report or .csv for each deployment and then copy/paste the info into one location so that I can get a comprehensive list of all files that were deployed.

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  11. extend the GearSet public API to include Data deployments between Sandboxes and Scratch Orgs

    Allow triggering Data deployments via the public API to eliminate having to sync data manually. This also includes triggering creation of Scratch Orgs via the Gearset API so that Gearset can instantly recognize them them.

    The workflow we would like to automate is: feature branch is checked out which triggers a CI/CD system pipeline to create a corresponding scratch org, do a metadata deployment from a test sandbox, and sync data from the same test sandbox. This allows us to create on-demand full copies of the environment for purposes of E2E testing (inc. external integrations) and feature development that requires…

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  12. Allow record data load from CSV file

    While it is nice to deploy record data from org to org with Gearset, it would also be nice to be able to deploy data from a CSV file, with the ability to custom map the headers. Native Salesforce Dataloader has this capability, as well as many 3rd party tools out there. Please incorporate this capability into Gearset.

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  13. Allow serial deployment instead of parallel

    When executing a data deployment, an 'Unable to lock row' error can occur if multiple transactions try to lock the same record in Salesforce.
    Because the batches are executed parallel, the chances of getting this error high, depending on the situation.
    For example the master record in a master:detail relationship will always get locked when a DML is executed on the child record.
    If two batches are executed at the same time and they both have at least 1 record that references the same parent, then a locking error will occur.

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  14. Allow Data Deployment to filter lookup fields on fetched data

    Currently, when doing a data deployment Gearset will let you know of all the referenced objects from the object you selected. What it doesn't do is the opposite of that - let you know all the objects that reference your object with a lookup.

    It'd be great if we could add a filter to utilize some data pulled in a fetch/query during data deployment.

    ex. field (TeamMember.ProjectLookup_c in {returned Project results in query in previous step of data deployment).

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  15. I would like to be able to deploy directly from environment variables.

    This feature would allow me to setup each sandbox environment after doing a refresh from production.

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  16. Unable to import/export translations using .stf file using greaset

    Currently gearset allows to deploy translations from one org to another org, however we do not have an option to do the translations using .stf file /excel for the fisrt time in any one of the org

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  17. Select all objects in a data deployment

    It would be useful to select all objects in the data deploy screen to make it faster to select a large number of objects (even better would be the ability to group objects and select whole groups at once)

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  18. Deactivate email deliverability on Data Deployment

    User email are masked in Sandboxes and we can mask Contact emails as part of the data deployment. This still leaves the Org Wide addresses as valid emails. If there is automation that is generating emails related to the data that is loaded, they will be delivered to the Org Wide Addresses.

    It would be useful if the same script that is deactivating validation rules could set email deliverability to systems emails at the same time.

    In the even that email deliverability was set to all emails in the Sandbox and not adjusted before the data deployment we would have…

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  19. Preview of records for data deployment

    It would be great either via the UI or a downloadable file/CSV, if we could see all the records that will be migrated in the data deployment. We're able to see the list of successful or failed records after the fact, it'd be nice to see the list of proposed records before hand. This would help identify if we're in the correct ballpark, say 500 records vs. 5000, and not knowing that until after the deployment gets attempted.

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  20. Added an 'Or' function to the Filter Options

    Right now there is only an 'And' filter when configuring Fields on the same object. It would make this much more powerful of a tool if we were able to chose between 'And' & 'Or'.

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