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247 results found

  1. Gearset doesnt support Versioned Dataraptors for vlocity deployment

    Gearset doesnt support Versioned Dataraptors for vlocity deployment.
    Details provided to Valerio Chang

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  2. Button for 'All the Differences' that gives all additions, deletions, and changes

    I'd love to have a button for 'all the things' (new, changed, and deleted). Currently, every time I run a compare, I use the All button and then turn off 'No Difference' on type.

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  3. Allow users to select custom fields even if the object does not exist in the target

    Would be great if GS allowed to select custom fields when doing a comparison even if the object does not exist in the target. If I am pushing changes to a repository I might want to only include the fields I created/modified and not the whole object.

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  4. Add issues from the problem analyzer to the comparison list

    When I find issues in the problem analyzer, if I accept them, they only add the things that I have selected, but I can't add any related elements without going back to the comparison.

    For example, if I miss a custom field in the comparison, but the problem analyzer flags it, I don't have any way to add the permissions for that field.

    Instead, I have to go back to the comparison and add that missed field and then it's related features (this is a big problem if the analyzer flags a number of issues).

    Having a button in the…

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  5. Filter on UNselected items when choosing metadata to compare

    When selecting metadata to compare, there is a picklist that says "Filters" and has an option for "Selected Only." Please add a second option for "Unselected Only" so I can quickly verify that I haven't left anything out without my eyes being distracted by checkboxes and items I know I already selected.

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  6. Ability to Filter Out Namespaced Metadata

    I figured the best way to write this out was in the form of some sub-par user stories.

    As a Salesforce Admin, I need the ability to do a comparison of two orgs/repos and have it show only non-namespaced metadata so that I can easily distinguish between things I own and manage vs what are from managed packages.

    As a salesforce Admin, I want to be able to indicate that I want to hide all namespaced metadata while still being able to show custom fields I create on a namespaced object so that I can quickly deploy new custom fields.

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  7. Cleanup Layout Assignments

    When you rename a Layout, the previous Layout Assignment won't be cleaned up on the Profile.
    This should be cleaned by the Repo dependency cleaner.

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  8. Precision Deployments (available for Layouts) for all the meta data

    Precision Deployments for Layout is a great improvement, it would be great to have the same feature for other meta data, particularely for : Fields picklists, global value sets, List Views, Reports, Profiles, Permission Sets and why not Lightning Pages, now that the Dynamic Form is available for Acc, Contacts & Opp

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  9. Profile Comparison within Same Org

    It would be useful to be able to compare profiles within the Same Org to allow for improved Security analysis and deployment.

    Use Case: Developer added new functionality in Sandbox and applied it to only a few of the profiles that were specific to that story. Now there is a new to expose that functionality to more users, but need an easy way of knowing which profiles are missing the needed functionality without going through each individually.

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  10. Allow for Scheduled Comparisons

    Like Monitoring Jobs, allow users to choose a source, target, and metadata filter, and schedule when a comparison runs.

    The primary goal of this would be time savings. To have that data already retrieved and cached so you can go in, make your selections, and move toward deployment more quickly. Possible applications include recurring deployments, planning out your workday, etc. This addition would be for non-Integration users.

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  11. Allow Record type additions and removals to be selectable

    I am not a having an option to deploy the particular picklist values in the Record type level, I would like to include only the values I have added that are different from my target environment.

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  12. allow selecting of specific picklist values when deploying changes to picklist fields

    Essentially would like to be able to cherry pick the values for a picklist value that is being deployed from a lower sandbox. Basically what you did with Precision Layout deployment for page layouts. There are times when we do not want to deploy all of the new/different values for a picklist field.

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  13. Add the ability to edit xml

    I would like to have the possibility to edit XML files from the comparison view.

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  14. dynamic search function after comparison

    dynamic search function

    it would be helpful after the comparison to look for multiple components at the same time and not each one individually. for the release we get a list of components example from the developer:


    I want to include the entire list in one search, and I want gerset to search for each row individually. Example in SQL:

    SELECT * FROM table
    WHERE column1 LIKE '%customeraddress%'
    OR column1 LIKE '%customer
    OR column1 LIKE '%customer_tele
    OR column1 LIKE '%customertele_c%'

    this change would save us…

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  15. Make it available to commit custom labels that are part of a managed package

    Custom Labels of managed packages do not show up in the comparison because they cannot be changed and therefore are not deployable. However, the (override) translations of these Custom Labels do show up and are deployable. It is possible to deploy & commit the translations but this poses an issue if you commit to git since gearset suggests to leave them out of the commit because they are missing a dependency. If you ignore the suggestion and commit them anyway, they'll be removed the next time the repo cleaner runs. This way, it cannot reliably be kept in git.

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  16. Remove/Deactivate new feature for batch comparison

    A few weeks ago, Gearset added a new feature to officially make the comparison faster, by showing already results of first batch and add the rest later on.

    This feature makes it much more difficult to do comparisons. First of all, I don't see any benefit. I still need to wait for the whole comparison to finish, because I still need to now, what has changed. Why should I look into the first things, when I need to look into it again, after the rest is compared. So before I can select anything, I need to wait the whole time…

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  17. Show Formula Comparisons line by line

    When comparing formulas (in validations, formula fields, workflow criteria...) the comparison should be done line by line.

    Considering the whole formula a block and only showing that "something" has changed in the formula is not useful when looking for conflicts between environments.

    When pushing changes between environments, admins are checking to make sure they are not overwriting other changes with their update. They most probably know the formula has changed (that was their job) but they need to ensure no unwanted changes are added/deleted from the target environment.

    In long formulas with many lines (potentially >100) it's not easy to…

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  18. Saved Comparisons should be visible to team members

    I have a team that has access to Gearset but unfortunately they cannot view the Saved Comparisons I've created. To reduce unnecessary time spent on creating and maintaining Saved Comparisons, it would be greatly appreciated if the Saved Comparisons could be shared with the team and possibly allow the owner to delegate access to the Saved Comparisons.

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  19. Inline editing of metadata

    The idea above was "closed" due to Environment Variables.

    That feature is too fiddley for our use case as the change that needs to be performed is not consistent. Furthermore, that feature does not help with handling merges.

    Gearset has some merging capabilities, but it only allows to select one file or another, instead of merging changes from both files.

    I'm aware it is possible to perform merges from source control, though it would be easier to train our team if they did not have to learn another technology. Furthermore, it leaves the process to more faults as the…

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  20. Activity Task Event field level security validation in Profile

    Hi Gearset Team,

    I would like to have a metadata validation for profile field level security involving Activity, Task, Event object as they are related to each other in Salesforce.

    For example:
    If we do a retrieve for Activity, Task, Event object along with profile. In the profile metadata it would specify this:

    However, if there were to be a mistake in the profile metadata and we commit them in version control it is detected as a 'new item' in Compare and Deploy


    When we select this new changes and…

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