Help us improve Gearset
We love getting feedback from our users on how we can make Gearset even better. Post your ideas for improvements, new features, and bug fixes alike, and vote for others – let us know what’s important to you.
150 results found
Option to choose CI validation run behavior with Open Pull Requests and Branch updates
Currently, if you have a CI job set up to validate based on events (push, pull request) on a specific branch the following occurs:
You open a pull request against the specific branch noted in the job - CI validation runs
You push a commit to the source branch of the same open PR - CI validation runs
You push a commit to the target branch of the same open PR - no validation runsIn the conversation with Dan on 8/13/2020, I was told this is by design on Gearset's end (to ignore that situation) to avoid long queued…
1 vote -
Only show JIRA tickets with specific statuses
We would like to the ability to only display JIRA tickets with specific statuses (e.g. Approved, In Progress).
1 vote -
Include the static code analysis report in the deployment notes so it can be integrated with Azure DevOps
We would like to have a link in the Pull Request or Azure DevOps work item to the static code analysis report so the tech leads can review the report.
2 votes -
no difference report
Currently the deployment report that is attached to the Jira ticket includes all "No Difference" components which I don't believe provides any real value. In my instance, this includes endless amount of pages, from what I can tell the changed values I'm actually looking for don't actually exist. I would suggest either excluding from report all together or providing a summarized statement that is just a grouped item for all items that were included in deployment but had no change. Also the report should bring the actual changed items to the top of the report like it is on the…
1 vote -
Filter branches by tag name
In order to remove the clutter when selecting a branch to deploy to or from, allow users to apply metadata filters that dictate which branches show up in Gearset. For example, being able to specify that I only want to see feature branches.
2 votes -
Add Provar integration for testing to support companies that already have investment in Provar.
Integrate Provar for testing.
3 votes -
Support multiple SFDX projects for a custom GIT repo
When comparing / deploying using a custom git repository, containing multiple SFDX projects, present the user with the ability to select which SFDX project to compare / deploy, either by package.xml or sfdx-project.json. Currently Gearset fails and reports multiple sfdx-project.json were found.
"UserReadableError": "This repository has 2 sfdx-project.json files: Gearset cannot determine which one to use",
"ErrorType": "ErrorFromSource"
]2 votes -
Integration with Rocket Chat
Hello, I need rocket chat integration, in order to receive notifications in deployment group chat about deployment status.
Thank you.
1 vote -
Provide integration with WebexTeams
We moved from Slack to WebexTeams and have lost the ability to post deployment notifications from Gearset. Here's an article about Webex Bots:
3 votes -
Allow merging functionality when two branches are compared
right now, when compare/deploying two branches, Gearset only fetches the new changes and creates a whole new separate commit to be pushed to the targeted branch. This causes the targeted branch to lose track of all previous commits from the source branch and when compared in git, it thinks that the targeted branch is still behind. It would be very useful, especially for admins, to be able to use merge compatibility if and only there is no conflict between the two branches.
1 vote -
Add the option to note successfully deployed components in CI notifications
When a CI job is configured to post to slack, and a job fails, it is very useful to see the message posted with information about what failed (error message, number of components that failed).
However, when a CI job succeeds, it only shows the counts of changed/new/deleted objects.
It would be very useful to have the option to list out what was deployed - this would make it easier for devs/qa users who monitor these slack notifications to understand which deployments are relevant to them at a glance.
2 votes -
Allow reauthorization of git/Bitbucket tokens used by CI jobs
Currently, if the OAuth tokens used for a Bitbucket integration are refreshed, any existing CI job will not adopt the newly authorized token. In fact, there is no way to even edit the job to use the new credentials; the job must be completely deleted and created anew.
However, in the case of Salesforce OAuth tokens, Gearset already has a Reauthorize button, along with facilities for re-associating the new credentials with saved orgs and saved CI jobs. Please enable similar reauthorization mecahnics and credential saving for other Oauth integrations, especially Bitbucket Server, so that CI jobs will not need to…
2 votes -
Link to test runs in Slack messages (or Slack messsage customisaton/templating)
I have automated test jobs post about failed tests to our Slack. I want the posted Slack message to include a direct (though maybe shortened) link to the "Test run details" so that when we see Gearset telling us about some tests starting to fail I would be one click away from seeing a view of failed tests the message is talking about.
Next/bigger step would be a way to shape the Slack messages ourselves. The most basic templating setup where I could write my own Slack message with some placeholders like {{instancename}} or {{failedtests_link}}..
8 votes -
If we move Jira ticket to status "Deploy" -> get the code from the repo ->deploy to destination ORG
For example after Jira status "Deploy" is captured doing a comparison and deploying the changes will work.
2 votes -
This is related to webhooks feature in Gearset.
Currently webhooks allow to trigger external job like jenkins job using webhooks. However its doesn't give any information related to this job whether its been called or not or pass or fail.
Use case:
The Jenkins job which I am triggering through Gearset calls my regression tests which runs on Jenkins server. I want to see the information like the Jenkins job has been called successfully and test results like number of tests run, pass , failed etc.
Having this I can make sure the Webhook is working fine and know my test results in Gearset itself.
It would be…2 votes -
Allow sfdx project files for scratch org creation
When creating a scratch org, allow us to select/configure a sfdx-project.json. This will allow for more complicated sfdx project to be deployed, i.e. multiple project folders, namespaces, ... etc.
2 votes -
Eliminate unnecessary XML reformatting in git
Currently, when gearset deploys XML to git, it seems to run it through a reformatter, which creates superfluous changes in git. These changes cause extremely large deltas, which are hard to read, increase the difficulty of merges and the likelihood of conflicts, and make working with any other metadata tooling (like SFDX) difficult.
For example, here is part of a delta gearset commited for a profile.xml:
diff --git a/force-app/main/default/profiles/Commissions.profile-meta.xml b/force-app/main/default/profiles/Commissions.profile-meta.xml
index 8b11e6b7..3d640a50 100644
--- a/force-app/main/default/profiles/Commissions.profile-meta.xml
+++ b/force-app/main/default/profiles/Commissions.profile-meta.xml
@@ -1,10 +1,27 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<Profile xmlns="">
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><Profile xmlns="">
+ <custom>true</custom>
+ <profileActionOverrides>
+ <actionName>Tab</actionName>Note that it lowercased…
3 votes -
Possibility to deploy to another sandboxe when a ci job passed
When configuring a CI job, we need an option to set a deployment to another sandboxe when the deployment or test classes run successfully in the current CI Job.
Ex: when a push to a branch on VCS triggers a CI job to deploy to a sandboxe like QA (with test classes run), we also have the possibility to set an auto deployment to staging sanboxe when the the job on QA passed successfully.15 votes -
6 votes
Retain Link to JIRA Tasks When Combining Deployments
Part of our release management policy is for all deployment to be associated with JIRA tasks. I noticed that when cloning individual deployment the association with JIRA tasks is retained. However, when combining multiple deployments, the relationship with JIRA is broken and as a result, we need to re-associate each JIRA task back to the combined deployment package.
1 vote
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