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79 results found

  1. Warn on Master/Detail deployment even without comparing Custom Fields

    If you compare Custom Fields and try to deploy something in an Object that is in a Master/Detail relationship without including the Lookup field, Gearset will warn you that the deployment will fail.

    However, if you don't include "Custom Fields" in the comparison, (for example just comparing Validations) and try to push it, you will hit an error:

    "Cannot set sharingModel to ControlledByParent on a CustomObject without a MasterDetail relationship field"

    Gearset could easily warn the user on this when trying to push a Validation Rule on a MasterDetail object, even if Custom Field was not added to the comparison.

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  2. Improve error message when XML is not properly escaped

    When I choose to compare metadata with my source as my VCS, there was an "&" char in the recordtype XML definition file.

            <fullName>Food & Beverage</fullName>

    This threw an error and there was no support and no explanation at that time.

    I suggest you to improve this error message.
    Message I got:

    Could not parse the XML for 'force-app/main/default/objects/Lead/businessProcesses/Buyer.recordType-meta.xml'. Error occurred at line 71. Further details: An error occurred while parsing EntityName. Line 71, position 29.

    File, line and position it's ok. maybe a link to Gearset docs with walkthrough with this probable cause when a parsing…

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  3. Re-validate a deployment after failure without returning to compare

    Would love the ability to re-validate a deployment after making changes to the target org. I notice this a lot if there's a username issue that needs fixed in the target, I'm able to fix the issue without refreshing the comparison, but still have to return to the compare, go through the automated fixes, and then re-validate the deployment.

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  4. Allow Package Version Mismatch Bypass for Org Deployments

    When deploying a branch to a Salesforce org where there is a managed package version mismatch in the file metadata, it would be nice to be able to bypass this discrepancy as there are occasions where there may be a newer package version in a lower/sandbox org and an older package version in a higher/production org.

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  5. 1 vote

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  6. Add Analyzer to Warn/Remove Named Credentials with Passwords

    Currently, attempting to deploy a named credential will fail as a "password is required for the specified authentication protocol".

    This can mean manual work if you have a lot of CI deployment jobs to sandboxes or annoyance if you expected to be able to deploy it.

    It'd be great if an analyzer existed that would alert/warn the user about it going to fail and unable to be deployed (suggest removing it from the package)

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  7. Spacing in formulas

    This was marked as completed in but seems to be broken again. Formulas or criteria in WF are deployed without carriage returns, which makes formulas very messy to work with.

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  8. Don't Delete Managed Package's object permissions from Permission Sets in CI jobs

    In a CI job, using source control as the source and including deleted items, you can run into an issue where objects from managed packages show as "deleted" in terms of custom object permissions from permission sets that have access to them. This can occur for permission sets designed to give access to managed package features or if you have a permission set with "View all data" or a system permission that gives them access to all objects in some capacity (read, write).

    Ideally, we wouldn't have to include managed package object permissions into Source Control (likewise, Gearset suggests only…

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  9. Workflow failed to deploy without error, due to standard object dependency

    In a CI job : Validation shown as success & Deployment shown as success. But actually no workflow deployed due to it being removed in the Problem Analyser.

    The Problem Analyser triggered due to the (standard) object, that the workflow depends on, not being in the comparison results.

    In a traditional deployments object is not needed to deploy WF, that too standard object. I feel it is a gap - problem analysers should never fire on object dependency.

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  10. Workflow failed to deploy without error, due to standard object dependency

    CI job : Validation shown as success & Deployment shown as success.. but actually no WF deployed. Saying Opportunity object doesn't exist in target just because it was not selected in the components. in a traditional deployments object is not needed to deploy WF, that too standard object. I feel it is a gap.

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  11. Excluding Record Type Problem Analyzer Should Behave the Same Across Metadata (Layout Permissions, Custom Object Permissions)

    In the situation where a repository is the source and an org is the target, there may be a situation where a record type doesn't exist in the repository but references in the layout permissions and custom object permissions do still exist.

    Currently, the problem analyzer will catch the custom object permissions and ask you to remove the references to the record type that doesn't exist in the target.

    However, it doesn't catch the layout permissions and the deployment could fail with an invalid reference.

    In the absence of the record type in the repository, the "Problem Analyzer for excluding…

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  12. Warning On Missing Custom Metadata Field

    I had a deployment fail today due to a difference between a custom metadata type's definition in the source org vs the destination. The source had two extra fields that the destination did not have. This cause the metadata record deployment to fail, because two extra values were included in the deployment which did not have corresponding fields in the destination. Because the fields were for a custom metadata package, I was unable to (easily) add the fields into the destination org.

    I'd like to see a way to suppress custom metadata values. This may be solvable through the inline…

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  13. Possibility to add automatically added metadata to the comparison after a failed deployment

    The dependency crawler that GearSet offers is one of its biggest strengths. A lot of manual labor can vanish at the click of the button. Best example would be the addition of all relevant Picklist fields when a Record Type is added to the Selected Items.

    Sometimes deployments still fail, and in particularly big orgs the dependency crawl takes ages, each time I have to rerun the problem analysis.

    A way to add the metadata that was auto-added prior to the deployment to the list of Selected Items to make future analysis faster would be greatly appreciated.

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  14. Include Apex classes imported into LWC

    Ensure that Apex Classes imported in LWC javascript files are included in dependencies.

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  15. Report Missing Dependencies on Lightning pages

    Right now, if you include a lightning page in a deployment and do not include any of the components on the page (list view, report chart, etc), the problem analyzer finds no issue with it.

    Even if the report is not in the target or is included in the compare, the analyzer always finds no issue with the lightning page.

    It'd be great to have it function like other metadata where it would alert you to missing components in your package (by suggesting to include all referenced list views, reports, etc on the lightning page).

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  16. Improve the UI around deployment objects dependent on objects not in the comparison

    Deployment of certain types of objects requires that other objects on which they are dependent be included in the deployment. If the needed objects have not been included in the selected items and they are not part of the comparison, Gearset will display the following message:

    Problem: Some itmes reference componnents that were not downloaded from either the source or the target.

    Solution: Removing the elements that reference missing components from the affected items will make the deployment more likely to succeed.

    Below this is displayed a table with a column of checkboxes at the left and three additional columns:…

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  17. Display "No Difference" metadata sources on Deployment Summary page

    On the "Deployment Summary Page" it would be great to add a column to the list of metadata components added which shows for the "No Difference" items showing the source piece(s) of metadata which is causing this "No Difference" to be included.

    This would dramatically help in the narrowing down of why a piece of metadata is included - especially if that piece of "No Difference" is a managed package and cannot be altered. In a large deployment, trying to identify a root cause for why a component was added is quite difficult. Simply giving a way to track back…

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  18. Improve error handling for invalid XML metadata files

    Currently, when there is an error with an XML metadata file (usually introduced by git merges), Gearset will produce an error, either in the Initializing Comparison, or Checking Deployment stages, stating simply that "An unknown error occurred."

    If Gearset instead ran the XML from source control through an XML validator using the Partner WSDL XMLSchema, then we could get file-level validation errors if the XML doesn't conform to what Salesforce's Metadata API will accept.

    $ xmlstarlet val -e -s ~/Downloads/salesforce-schema.xml force-app/main/default/profiles/Marketing.profile-meta.xml
    force-app/main/default/profiles/Marketing.profile-meta.xml:17108.15: Element '{}field': This element is not expected.
    force-app/main/default/profiles/Marketing.profile-meta.xml - invalid

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  19. Save deployment analysis suggestions and list of test classes

    In order to make deployments more repeatable between orgs please allow a way to save the selection of deployment analysis suggestions an d list of test classes with a package. With a large package it can be difficult having to document or remember the same selections used in deployment to UAT org for Production deployment.

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  20. Remove the "run as specific user" completely from the dashboard prior to deployment (set the options to "Run as

    Add during problem analysis:

    Remove the "run as specific user" completely from the dashboard prior to deployment (set the options to "Run as logged-in user"). Deploy, then change it back to whatever you need. Based on

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