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102 results found

  1. include the Name/ID of the Deployment from Salesforce into the Deployment Report generated by Gearset

    Include the name/id in the deployment detail page within Salesforce in the Gearset deployment report so we can trace and match those details to a deployment run in Gearset.

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  2. Org Management/Oversight Dashboard

    I would really benefit from a dashboard option. A single place where I could see my CI Job history, Unit Testing Jobs and Monitoring/Backup history for all/a subset of my orgs.

    I am using Gearset more and more to manage the state of my org's metadata, so it would be nice to be able to see it all in one place.

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  3. Modify the email address for manual deployment notifications

    Being able to modify the default email address for deployment notifications, as for automated jobs, would help keep the others in my team notified of any manual deployments we run.

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  4. Increase API call limits

    There currently is a API limit of only 10 calls per hour for the reporting and audit API's. This makes it difficult when developing and testing applications that tie into the api. In our case we use the api to pipe the data into our observability platform for reporting and dashboarding. It would be nice to either increase to something not THAT low or to have a development override option of some sort that customers to request to temporary increase. I understand the need for some limits due to having a shared cloud platform but this seems to be on…

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  5. Include Pull Request title in the notification

    Hello GS team,

    Currently, the notifications from the pull request validations only include the PR number, I would like to request if it's possible to include the PR title.

    Current Sample: [Gearset] CI validation job Validation job for PR #11111 failed

    With the title in the subject of the notification, we can FW the results to the right teams automatically.

    Thank you!

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  6. Create ListViews in the Continuous Integration Dashboard

    Create ListViews in the Continuous Integration Dashboard page and being able to grant access to specific users or groups of users.

    The idea is to avoid displaying specific jobs to a particular group of users for better organization and reduce the loading time when many CI jobs are configured.

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  7. Allow all admin users to run the 'Take Snapshot' functionality on Monitor jobs not owned by them

    I would like all of my 'Admin' users (or specify which users in my org) can have access to run monitoring jobs I've set up.

    The scenario is that we're a small team, so I want to set up all of our monitoring jobs, but if an issue occurs while I'm OOO any of my other team members could run the 'Take Snapshot' function to determine which changes occurred since the last monitor job ran and roll the changes back.

    Currently users can edit/delete monitor jobs of other users and if provided 'Deployment' access can roll the changes back, but…

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  8. Have an ability to modify message which is posted to Slack channel.

    It would be nice to have the ability to modify this notification message somehow.
    E.g. include a number of PR which was merged into the main branch. Or remove extra information such number of deployed components.

    now it looks too big
    Gearset Continuous Integration
    A continuous integration run succeeded for ***** CI/CD. The job was a deployment.
    Changed objects
    New objects
    Deleted objects
    Source commit

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  9. Send email alert when monitoring job fails

    It would be helpful if Gearset would notify the user when connection problems cause a monitoring job to fail.

    For example, if the error "Error while getting access token due to expired access" occurs, Gearset could send an email to the author of the monitoring job informing them of the problem.

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  10. To give the option to export , Class wise test coverage report in some Excel format

    To give the option to export , Class wise test coverage report in some Excel format

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  11. Add capability to export components as part of the full deployment history export

    It would be good if we were able to export the individual components that were part of a deployment when we export, say, the full deployment history from the past 6 months, or all time.
    This would help with IT audits.

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  12. Compare org monitoring from an arbitrary date to the current state of the org

    In Monitor ORG's tab, we have a daily set of cached metadata that can be used to troubleshoot issues in an ORG. This is great that we have this data. What would be even better (if there is not a way to do it currently), is if we could take the metadata cache from the monitoring job, "x" days ago, and compare it to the current state of an ORG.

    Maybe an ideal way to achieve this would be to select a cached version in the Compare Organizations screen. Alternatively, a button can be added in the Monitoring Job history…

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  13. Allow configuring Unit Test jobs to run without code coverage

    Ideally I would like to track code coverage, however due to an issue we're having with Salesforce, it's taking 12-24+ hours to run all local tests, crippling our ability to run unit tests nightly. I've discovered that when turning off code coverage when initiating test runs via the tooling API, test runs take significantly less time. We have been working with Salesforce support on this, but as a workaround it would be very useful for us to turn off code coverage for Unit Testing jobs.

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  14. CI jobs view improvements

    Hi Team,
    when opening a CI job and then expanding them, I can see a list of PRs with status 'Succeded' for two days I thought those were the successful deployments. Technical support confirmed instead that those are the PRs where the Validation Job has succeded but not yet deployed. The view is a bit confusing because for validation jobs I would expected a status = 'Passed'.
    Also, when I open the 'View History' of the actual deployment job it takes me to a view where I can see the github ID but not the PR number/name. It would be…

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  15. Allow customization options for the Deployment Report file name

    It would be nice to either have the option to set a default file name or allow the ability to set the report file name in the deployment screen.

    For my organization, this would make sorting deployment reports for various projects much easier as the file name doesn't include the Package Label.

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  16. Expand Permission reporting on the Monitoring job

    Expand Permission reporting on the Monitoring job to include Delete permissions reporting on Objects.

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  17. Automatic analysis for metadata

    Adopt automatic validation for API names of custom objects, custom fields, custom settings, and custom metadata types. Additionally, ensure that the "Description" field is populated to enforce documentation by administrators and developers on Salesforce metadata, including custom fields, custom objects, automation (Approval Processes, Flows, Entitlement Processes), and other applicable metadata types.

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  18. Delta comparison between two unit test reports

    Hi team. Would be good to have a feature that allows us the comparison between two unit test results. We are interested to export the delta errors from one day to another.

    Use case: We are executing deployments for more than 50 pull requests against the same target sandbox, hence regression errors might be introduced throughout the day. We are running nightly unit test jobs and usually, in the morning, we have extra tests which are failing comparing with the previous day.

    We are currently exporting the gearset errors from 2 reports, in Excel tables, and compare these ones to…

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  19. Ability to export deployed components for specified period of time

    Instead of viewing it by deployment package, it would greatly help us to be able to export all components deployed during a specific period of time. It would help to include the following:

    Deployment friendly name
    Date and Time
    Deployment Status
    Metadata Type
    Difference Type

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  20. Export Deployment History Additional Information

    It would be great if the Deployment History was able to provide details from Source Control. Specifically, list of people who approved tickets, branch names, commit IDs, etc.

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