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102 results found

  1. Detailed monitor reports to inbox

    Opening the Monitor reports in Gearset is very time consuming. I would like a daily report to arrive in my inbox with the Changed, New or Deleted object names, Data Changed and Who.

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  2. Allow custom endpoints for webhooks from Unit Testing and Monitoring Jobs

    You can post to Slack, Teams, and Chatter when an org monitoring job runs. But, as a consultancy, we'd like to post to our own SF org in a more general way. We have records for each of our customers, and it would be good to be able to report on summary data about the Gearset's monitoring for those customers.

    If there were a configurable endpoint we could target that at a custom REST endpoint on our Salesforce and then join things up.

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  3. Link Static Analysis results to the code

    Could we link the file names in the static analysis results to the actual code from the comparison/monitoring job?

    i.e. Where the results have a list of issues per Apex class, I'd like the class name to be a link to the code for that class

    Having a quick peek at the code from within Gearset can help me to diagnose whether it's a genuine problem, or something where the static analysis rules need tweaking.

    If it's just the rules that need tweaking, it would be nice to be able to complete that job entirely within Gearset.

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  4. Export Object level and OWD (sharing settings) in permissions reports (in addition to the field-level)

    Currently, the permission reporting feature only provides field-level permissions export to CSV for all Profiles and Permission Sets. This is a very small part of the overall security and sharing permissions model. Here are a couple of items that I recommend adding to the permission reporting as a starting point:

    1. Object-level permissions (read/create/edit/delete/view all/modify all) for Profiles and Permission Sets
    2. Sharing Settings (organization wide defaults) for all objects

    In the future, it would be nice to have additional permissions from Profiles and Permission Sets available to export such as:
    1. App assignments
    2. Tab visibility
    3. Apex classes
    4. Visualforce…

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  5. Yearly report of all previously migrated items.

    It would be great to get an end of year report or report of how many migrations were completed and a high-level list of components.

    Custom metadata, lightning components, page layouts, fields, apex, etc.

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  6. Add a Description field in the General Settings for Automation like Continuous Integration.

    We LOVE Gearset. I just took over when an employee on my team moved to a different team. I was looking over the existing Monitoring jobs and had to ask why some of them were setup. They were similar with the exception of when they run, for example. It would be helpful to have a Description field in the General settings section so when someone creates these jobs, they can give a brief description of their intent and purpose. Thanks.

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  7. More custom monitoring delays

    It would be brilliant to be able to choose the days of a week your monitor script runs on so I don't have to deploy changes every single morning and could instead do once a week

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  8. Filter deployment and comparison reporting by user in the account page

    Right now Gearset is showing Total Deployment Team wise . My suggestion is to Publish User Wise Count of Deployments with all Successful , Failed Deployments .

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  9. Download metadata from monitoring job in SFDX format

    Please add the opportunity to download the metadata from the monitoring and backup job in SFDX format.

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  10. On 'deployment' and 'draft deployment' pages provide a way to see the filter information without having to open the full comparison screen.

    On 'deployment' and 'draft deployment' pages provide a way to see the filter information without having to open the full comparison screen. We need a quick way to make sure that item level filtering is being used on each metadata type

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  11. Allow searching for Org IDs in deployment history

    Enable the search results in Deployment History to include Org Ids.

    USE CASE: I want to see a history of all deployments into, or out of, a specific org, regardless of the usernames used to deploy.

    BONUS POINTS: allow me to specify whether it's the ID of the target org or the source org when searching. ex -

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  12. update the wording in the change notifications - objects created sounds like Salesforce objects, not individual items

    We run change monitoring and were very surprised to have 218 Objects created in Production over the weekend when no one was working. It would be good to rename this to 'items' instead to make it more clear.

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  13. Badge

    To have he possibility to have badge that could be added to the readme of a git repo. Display in green if the test classes have been successful, red if error.
    The same kind of badge could be used for deployment.

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  14. Allow notification for long running jobs

    Allow a for a notification to be sent when a Continuous Integration job runs longer than N minutes. Most of our jobs tend to complete in under one minute, so if a job runs longer than 30 minutes, being notified would be helpful.

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  15. Cruise control feed for Deployment Steps

    We are planning to let our team notify and keep informed about the deployment steps status just that they can stay informed about it. These are non-Gearset users.

    Can we have a monitoring feed for Deployment steps that take place from Compare and deploy Screen 1 which contains basic deployment details (Source and Target). So as an When we progress with the deployment steps, it will keep it updated. Similar what you have for Unit Test monitoring feed. (Test monitoring Cruise Control feed)

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  16. Ability to have automated process to maintain field list in Production environment

    With GDPR, companies are required to provide justifications for all data that they collect. In Salesforce this means being able to identify why all fields in the system exists, categorize fields as PI, and provide business justifications. The ability to keep a list of current fields in a production instance of Salesforce that includes alerts when new items are added, or ability to sync that list out to another tool like Smartsheet, where other business users like a legal team would have visibility, would be incredibly useful.

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  17. Add an Ignore option for change alerts

    Sometimes metadata comes back from Salesforce in a different order, which makes it look like there was a change when there really wasn't any. It would be nice to have a way to flag such comparisons as Ignored so I know I looked at them and decided that they didn't need to have any further action.

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  18. Custom text within automated emails

    I simply want to be able to add some lines of text to the emails that are triggered.

    In our case this would simply be to let the team know the deployment was complete please proceed with any manual steps for example. In our org this would simply save a step for the release manager to have to trigger an email stating this and be included in the email triggered by gearset.

    This functionality might also play out nicely that we could have some more specific text around the test jobs that we trigger. For example, we have thought to…

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  19. Add search specific item history

    For monitored environement, it would be great to have the ability to search for specific item history.

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  20. Would like the ability to print the current comparison for selected objects before deploying

    I would like the ability to print the current comparison for selected objects before deploying to use for documentation purposes.

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