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181 results found

  1. Show Date/Time of Validation Run in Validation Details

    I would like to see the "Effective Date" of a validation in the Validation Details screen (at /continuous-integration-job-validation-errors).

    I only ever access this information from the Deployment pipelines and so don't ever see the date/time the validation was run (near as I can tell this is only available in the CI jobs section).

    To better explain my reason for asking:
    Oftentimes when a validation fails it is sufficient to rerun the validation (on account of Delta CI jobs doing weird things sometimes). What I've found myself doing is perusing the validation errors, clicking "retry validation", then going about other tasks…

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  2. Create releases in Pipelines not at final stage

    Right now you can only create releases at the last environment in a Pipeline. We'd like to have 2 stages so we have a true dry-run of deployment. Our pipeline is
    Dev > QA > UAT > Staging > Production

    Creation of the release branch before Staging would allow us to effectively cherry-pick what we want deployed into Staging as we get UAT approvals, do a test deployment where QA does a sanity/smoke test and have greater confidence when we get to our Production release.

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  3. To have an option to run unit tests either for Validation or Deployment or both

    Hi - for larger projects with 100 plus or more unit tests, deployments do slow down if there are a lot of them during the day and unit tests run twice. Once during validation and once during deployments. Can we have an option where unit tests can be turned on/off for validation and deployment separately?

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  4. Ability to automate deployment to a particular environment without manually promoting changes

    When there are multiple Salesforce environments in the deployment pipeline, like Integration, Qa, Stage and Production, we would like to have ability to automate deployments to a specific environment, without having to select PR and promote changes manually. Most of the times SIT/Integration environment will be used for Developers to be able to perform integration testing, where we do not want someone like a Lead to review and promote PR manually. It will be beneficial to deploy the changes automatically, as soon as someone creates the PR to the Integration environment.

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  5. Roll back feature branches all at once

    The tool works really well in the UI promoting things forward through the pipeline. You can select one or more feature branches and promote them one at a time or all at once. It would be great if you could do the same thing with roll-backs. This would make things clean simple and alleviate the fear that you accidentally left something out or accidentally roll-back something you didn't mean to

    given that the need for roll-back functionality is inherently somewhat urgent, the tedious nature of having to carefully pick through a larger subset of metadata items to roll-back makes it…

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  6. Slack notifications for non-CI deployments

    We use slack for monitoring which is great. We'd like to have the ability to setup more slack notifications for non-CI jobs.

    Additionally, we'd love to see deployment starting notifications as an option as well, to allow our greater insights into when it's coming.

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  7. Option to not run job periodically

    In the "Run job" field allow an option to don't run job periodically at all. Sometimes we nedd a job to run only manually, when needed, and now I need to remember to disable it manually each time

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  8. More efficient spacing on Pipeline environments

    We can only see 4 sandboxes at a time when fully zoomed out. We have 9 sandboxes. Since we aren't able to zoom out further or rearrange the sandboxes we are constantly dragging the screen to pan up and down, to see the state of the orgs.
    There is so much whitespace in each node, any chance you could lessen the padding/spacing between the lines in each box/env/node, or between the nodes themselves? Maybe proportional to the max nodes in a single column?

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  9. 1 vote

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  10. 1 vote

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  11. Give CI/CD Users the option to use a shared webhook or a new one in BitBucket

    Gearset recently updated its automated webhook setup for new CI/CD jobs to use a shared webhook. For my team, we have configured each webhook for validation jobs to only run on PR creation/update and deployments to only run on branch pushes. By forcing the new jobs to a single shared job, it causes PR merges to trigger validations alongside the deployment (Which is time-consuming and needless).

    Also, as my team has many legacy webhooks for our existing jobs, when we add a new job it seems Gearset randomly assigns it to an existing webhook. For our recent deployment-only job, it…

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  12. Share edit access to a CI job with another user

    Currently, only the owner of a CI job is able to edit it. This is a risk, as the owner is not always available to troubleshoot CI issues. It would be helpful to be able to delegate edit access to other team members so that pipelines can be managed collaboratively.

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  13. Invoke Run Anonymous Apex against target in CI Job

    Can you please add Run Anonymous Apex option in a CI Job ?

    In this scenario from Developer's end they should add pre scripts in a.txt file and add post scripts in b.txt file in their Source Control

    How it should work
    - It should allow the CI job to run Pre and Post Deployment scripts
    - Pre Deployment scripts should be picked up from Source control a.txt file and Post
    Deployment scripts should be picked up from Source control b.txt file
    - Post commit the diff of commit should identify what are pre and post scripts…

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  14. Schedule Release Validation

    We've run into ROW LOCK issues in the past while running unit tests during validations in production which caused some issues with external Community Users, thus as a best-practice we try to run production validations after business hours.

    I'd like to be able to schedule release validations from Gearset, or expose an endpoint that would allow me to trigger a CI validation for a release or PR.

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  15. Add Manage Custom Filters option when creating a CI job

    When I use options Automation -> Continuous Integration -> Dev Sandbox -> Compare and commit for deployment, there is no option to create a custom filter.
    Custom filters can only be created by using Metadata deployments -> Compare and deploy option.
    Since the following tutorial recommends to use Automation -> Continuous Integration for deployment, it would be nice if this way of deployment also had an option to create custom filter.

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  16. Disable Pipeline Back-propagation for Static Environments

    We would like to have the option to disable the back-propagation in the pipelines for static environments or have more options to control how the back-propagation should behave, like not running the PR validations for these types of Pull Requests.

    When new changes reach the master branch, those changes should be pushed to the branch linked to a Salesforce environment. As it is today, the changes are back-propagated through new Pull Requests and because of the pipeline default config, the unit tests need to run which can block the sandboxes for some time depending on the complexity of the release…

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  17. Pipeline Sync Environment & Dev Environment

    Currently we only have the ability to sync static pipeline environments. This is well and good but unfortunately syncing the Project branch can be time consuming and confusing Its not as simple as syncing the static environment.

    I suggest when I sync the static environment , the sync action automatically opens a back propagation PR to the Dev environment its connected to. Also this sync action should close any pending open PRs against that dev environment that overlap with the sync PR.

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  18. Add wildcard Test selection

    When selecting tests to be run for validation or CI validation jobs, we should be able to select "Test classes" and provide more generic search names such as "Test.cls" or "classes/". This would allow dynamic updates to the selected tests based on available test in the deployment package.

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  19. Expand the options for "Run job" times on the continuous integration job setup.

    Currently the "Run job" option has times for 1, 2, 4 and 24 hours. With international teams working on projects, it would be nice to allow for something like every 8 hours. That could either be a new set option in the list, or allow for a "custom" option. If the pipelines can handle between 1 and 24 hours, let us selection "custom" and input the hours for the job interval to run.

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  20. Remove limitation of number of PRs to be added to a Release (Azure DevOps + Gearset)

    Gearset automatically adds all PR details for a release in description box (Azure DevOps PR) which has max character limit of 4000 and only 16-18 PRs can be added to a release because of it. When we add one more PR after the limit is reached then the next PR does not get added to the Release and we need to create another release for them which is not correct approach as other releases may have some dependency on 1st and thing may fail in production. We need a way to disable adding description to Azure DevOps Release PR so…

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