Help us improve Gearset
We love getting feedback from our users on how we can make Gearset even better. Post your ideas for improvements, new features, and bug fixes alike, and vote for others – let us know what’s important to you.
247 results found
Better pre-selection of repos & branches
My reasoning for the need:
Every day when comparing, I have to choose one github repo out of 343 (46 of mine + 297 from an org I'm a part of). Yes I know I can type some characters and it will search the list of repos, but it's still unpractical. It sometimes looks like it remembers the choice, but I think it doesn't quite work after logout and I have to select the repo from the long list too often.The bare minimum that would bring me pleasure:
The last used repo I used for any comparison would always…4 votes -
Allow XML package for org snapshot/daily monitoring
Allow XML package for org snapshot/daily monitoring. This is to take the previous day's design to be downloaded in xml format that we can open in eclipse IDE.
1 vote -
Filter on selected items
I want to quickly be able to identify components that have not been reviewed by only seeing unselected items in the "Changed items", "New items" and "Deleted items" top level filters.
seeing the ones I have already selected slows down productivity and I have to scroll through them. If I want to see them I can always look at the "All items" section. This information is also available in the difference type column.
6 votes -
Show rows that have no set "Changed On" date when applying a date filter.
Currently the moment you deselect a single specific date, all blank dates are also filtered out.
I would expect only the items with the given date be removed from the list.
This has become apparent now that the sort order of dates in the pulldown bug has been fixed.
1 vote -
FLS selection for Source control
while deploying a field to source control. we just want to move profile FLS of that only field. FLS was not displayed on the components drop down of profile. we are only able select profile so that whole object's FLS are getting deployed to the Source Control.
5 votes -
show which deployment each metadata was a part of when doing a bulk clone.
When doing a bulk clone, each metadata should show what previous deployment it was a part of as to allow us to verify that the bulk clone worked. Another use case is that it would allow us to find a deployment we know has changed and be able to remove or change the metadata quickly.
1 vote -
Need a Lock to the Custom comparison filters
We need a lock to the custom comparison filters so that the team will be on the same page and only the deployment manager can be responsible for all the deployments
3 votes -
Allow adding "No Difference" items to package. To help with package reuse to multiple orgs
Allow assets with "no difference" to be added to a promotion to allow the same package to be used to both promote as well as sync other sandboxes (without having to manually check if asset was changed in each).
32 votes -
Default to Object View
Option to default to Object View vs XML for metadata types that have it available
9 votes -
Search for components within Profile should show results regardless of expansion of specific profiles
Use case on Difference Viewer:
search on `profilerecordtypevisibility' (or use metadata filter and check Profile: Record Type Visibility)
Unless the difference viewer already has the Profile(s) expanded for their components, you get no resultsDesired behavior -- Search on components within Profile should show results; even if search takes longer
4 votes -
Difference Viewer custom object name: include suffix __c, __x, __mdt, __e, etc
When you look in the Difference Viewer, it is not clear at all by inspection which line of Metadata Type "Custom Object" is a standard object, custom object, platform event, custom metadata type, historcial trending object, etc.
For example, Custom object Foo__c displays simply in the Name column as Foo. This is a loss of information in the difference viewer, especially if one has similarly-named custom object metadata types such as:
FooConfig__mdtthese display as
FooConfigThe full Sobject Name gives the user hints as to perhaps other related components that need to be…
3 votes -
Cache deployment inspection results
It would be great if deployment inspection results were cached, such that the results for an identical set of metadata are available without spending the time to recheck everything.
Use case: A comparison is performed and all changes selected. Deployment inspection is performed and recommendations are made for items to add/exclude. I select a subset of recommendations, and move forward with validation. The validation fails. The same comparison is reopened and again all metadata is selected (with the intention of selecting more of the add/export recommendations resulting from the inspection). At this point, the inspection is rerun, even though the…
1 vote -
Add an option to use a custom "Gearset format" for the source control output
The XML that comes from Salesforce is weirdly bundled together. When changes are made it's really hard to reconcile two branches in source control when merging.
When comparing, Gearset nicely decomposes changes into smaller chunks. So instead of putting that back into the usual XML, an option to store that "internal format" and even just stick it as JSON or similar.
After all - it'll be Gearset reading it back in to compare to an org next time, and smaller changes will be easier to merge as they won't conflict inside horrendously large XML files
1 vote -
When a Picklist Populates, Don't Default to the 1st Value, Default to Blank
When I choose my destination, the system defaults the picklist to the first item on the list. Instead it should populate the list but don't pick a value.
For example, when I choose destination = BitBucket, it then takes a moment to load available branches. It takes a little bit so I go on and start to configure the metadata types. Meanwhile, Gearset populates the list and sets the value to the 1st branch on the list, in my case, feature/helpdesk. It should leave the value blank and make me pick.
This has resulted in me running long-running comparisons, and…
3 votes -
Ability to manually hide/filter component differences by single flag
When reviewing comparisons it would be extremely helpful to have the ability to manually 'hide' a component difference (e.g. a single flag to filter out, ignore, or even 'grey' a component differences) once you have a) reviewed the XML and b) determined you do not want to deploy or view that component in a saved draft. I.e. a third state that is not simply 'selected' or 'deselected'.
Current filters by component type, name, et al. don't accommodate for wanting to hide a known component difference (e.g. like an Apex class still under development) so that you can only see remaining…
2 votes -
Show filtered counts on the results grid tab titles
When comparing two orgs. We need to show the eaxact number in the Tabs(Changed Items, New Items) when filtered.
2 votes -
Show # differences found in comparison display
It would be a nice feature to see the number of differences for each item from the perspective of the source org vs target org.
3 votes -
refresh comparison UX - echo the filter used in the original comparison
When you click Refresh Comparison, the dialog does not echo anywhere the original filter name used in the comparison-being-refreshed. You just get a x/y filters being used.
Always good to remind the user as to which filters were originally selected without having to scroll through the list
1 vote -
Provide link from standard field to Standard Value Set
Some of the standard picklist fields in Salesforce have their values defined in Standard Value Sets. This means when you add a new value in the Salesforce UI, for example in the Type field of the Case object, that you are actually editing the CaseType Standard Value Set and not the Case Custom Object.
Gearset detects all these differences, but it isn't obvious why Case.Type appears as unchanged in a Gearset comparison. It would be better if Gearset showed some help text in the Case.Type object definition that pointed me to some help docs or linked me to the exact…
2 votes -
Display "Metadata comparison (custom) filter" used on "Comparison in progress" -screen
Hi! I just started to evaluate Gearset. Looking good. When I was staring at "Comparison in progress"-screen this came to my mind:
Sometimes it takes a bit longer than expected and I start to think: "OMG - What custom filter I used? - Probably I'm comparing everything - That's why it takes so long - Maybe I should cancel this job?".
It would be more reassuring if the Metadata comparison (custom) filter being used was also shown on that "Comparison in progress" screen.
4 votes
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