Help us improve Gearset
We love getting feedback from our users on how we can make Gearset even better. Post your ideas for improvements, new features, and bug fixes alike, and vote for others – let us know what’s important to you.
247 results found
Don't allow duplicate fields in comparison.
If I have a field with name example category. Somehow the same field has been added to the object xml file it needs to throw an error at the time of comparison.
1 vote -
Create a way to apply a regex to all currently selected metadata types when building a filter
The regex support you currently have doesn't really allow for complex (multi-match) regex matching, which is probably ok. (this would be something like grep -e 'this' -e 'that')
If I select, say 116 of the 124 metadata types identified, and then have to apply a regex pattern to each one, it gets pretty tedious. Click-paste-apply 116 times, and then 116 again for the other half of the complex match. I'd write a tool to automate configuring a filter in gearset. :)
If I "select all" then deselect the 8 types i don't want, and THEN apply a regex to all…
1 vote -
Create a way to apply a regex to all currently selected metadata types when building a filter
The regex support you currently have doesn't really allow for complex (multi-match) regex matching, which is probably ok
If I select, say 116 of the 124 metadata types identified, and then have to apply a regex pattern to each one, it gets pretty tedious. Click-paste-apply 116 times, and then 116 again for the other half of the complex match. I'd write a tool to automate configuring a filter in gearset. :)
If I "select all" then deselect the 8 types i don't want, and THEN apply a regex to all types, that would be pretty great.
3 votes -
Allow filtering by Deployment Stage/Metadata Subset during comparison
This Gearset article describes some very logical phases for performing a large deployment: would be nice if there were built-in comparisons to show each subset of metadata.
For example if you were on phase 1 of the deployment you could filter your comparison to just "Data Tier" and Gearset would pre-filter the relevant metadata.
1 vote -
Only display active branches when displaying branches from a bit bucket cloud repository
Only display active branches when displaying branches from a bit bucket cloud repository
5 votes -
Support package.xml filtering when using Git comparison with a SFDX folder structure
When using a git repo with a SFDX folder structure + package/xml (in the /manifest folder) gearset dos not take into account elements in the package.xml when checking the option (filter with package.xml)
41 votes -
Compare metadata by "Changed Date" for both "Source" and "Target"
In "Compare and Deploy", is there a way to add a column for "Changed Date" for the Source item, in addition to the Target item?
I want to select all the items which were more recently changed in the Source than in the Target. In my current large org compare-and-deploy, I see many items which are different but the one in the Target was more recently changed, so I don't want to overwrite that item in the Target.
8 votes -
Export of the Comparison Results
My Suggestion: For our Customer i need to create a Documentation with all the Metadata Information from the Comparison. Even for Things which are not different.
A CSV Table would be great and a HTML Documentation would be awsome :)3 votes -
When viewing comparisons, allow the "Export All..." to utilize existing filters
When viewing a comparison... I have various filters set to exclude certain differences like "Reports, "Permission Sets". It would be nice if you provided an option on the "Export All..." page to either export everything (disregard filters) like it does now, or to respect any filters that currently exist on the comparison so that I only see the values shown on the page based on my filters.
1 vote -
Allow Downloading of git diff for Comparison
It can be difficult to evaluate the scope of changes by clicking in the Comparison view on one metadata element at a time to see the differences. We would much prefer to be able to download a git diff and examine the delta as a cohesive changeset.
The user should be able to download the contents of the currently selected tab (All Changes, New Changes, or Selected Changes) in the format of a git unified diff. The user can then use the software of their choice to view the diff.
This will also enable more advanced workflows, as git diffs…
2 votes -
Suggest related metadata for selected types in filter
Gearset provides some very useful documentation on the importance of including groups of related metadata in a filter.
It would be very helpful if the Manage Filters dialog implemented these suggestions. For example, when a Profile is included in the filter, the user should be prompted to also select Profile Password Policy, Profile Session Setting, External Data Source, Apex pages, Layouts, and Custom Objects. Otherwise, the likelihood of Gearset assembling an accurate Profile without all of the related components will be slim.
Gearset obviously has deep knowledge of metadata semantics and dependencies. The Manage Filter page needs to reflect…
1 vote -
Show *all* matching items on All Items, even if they haven't been changed.
I couldn't find a field that I was looking for today, despite searching for it specifically, because it was hidden inside it's parent object. I understand that the reason for this was something to do with there being no difference on the field (and I appreciate that the reason is to avoid clogging up the screen!), but if you're searching for a specific field, I think it should really show up...
Took me bothering someone on live chat to figure out what was going on.
1 vote -
Display the Filter used in the Comparison history screen
It would be helpful in finding the right comparison to look at if you could see on the Comparison History screen which filter was used. It would also be helpful when looking at the comparison details to know which filter was used.
6 votes -
Selection Count Mismatch
The Selection count on ‘Compare and Deploy’ page doesn’t match with ‘Items Selected’ on ‘Draft Deployment’ when a draft deployment is opened. Having this in sync will help user that all selections are going in the deployment.
1 vote -
Be able to exclude single items from comparison
E.g. If I generally want to include all Custom fields for all Objects in the comparison, but there’s one specific field that I don’t ever want to send across to the target org, it’ll keep popping up and I’ll have to uncheck it each time.
1 vote -
Track Items Added to Draft Packages
It would be nice to be able to see which items within a comparison are part of Draft Packages. We have a need to build multiple packages from a single Comparison of Instances. This can be done by creating many Drafts, but it is sometimes difficult to know if items have been added to a draft package already. If we could visually see this, it would allow us to generate and confirm our packages much faster.
1 vote -
Add option to suppress managed custom fields in comparison results
When comparing Custom Objects that contain the managed custom fields there is no way to suppress the managed custom fields. The fields would show up in the comparison results even without being requested. The problem analyzers then highlights and remove these managed custom fields.
This is cumbersome when repeated and makes finding genuine differences we care about more difficult.
From the problem analyzers, it sounds like Gearset is able to identify the managed custom fields. Therefore could there be an option under [Include managed package] in the Custom Filters that allows the suppression of known managed fields in comparison results?
8 votes -
give the ability to ignore certain changes between Sandbox and Production enviornments
After deploying from a Sandbox to a Production environment, you will always see a 'change' for Custom Objects and Custom Fields because there is no Encryption Scheme (for example)
3 votes -
Show the Label as a column in the comparison screen
At present the comparison screen, Name column, only shows the information from the API name, but not the Label (as seen in Setup > Object Manager > Label column).
When the Label is wildly different from the API name, is would be super useful to have the Label displayed as a column, instead of having to find it in the XML viewer.
1 vote -
Allow the ability to "uncheck" No DIfference items on the Selected Items tab
When cloning previous deployments, there are may cases where items may have been previously deployed, so the now would show as "No Difference". Currently these items can not be unselected for the deployment. It would be useful to be able to remove these from a current deployment to keep the deployment clean.
1 vote
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