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247 results found

  1. Categorize Meta Data Filters

    Allow the custom meta data filters to be categorize or put in folders. You could organize your filters by customer, deployment type, etc..

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  2. Ability to see count of items per metadata type

    Ability to see count of items per metadata type at the Comparison Result Page

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  3. The comparison screen takes too long to load and times out with large packages.

    With large packages the comparison screen takes too long to load, >15 min, and can cause Chrome browser to time out. Can we have an option to not load the details of the differences in the bottom panel, only object names and then click a button to download only difference for a particular item on-demand? I normally don't need to see the diff

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  4. Segregate metadata changes due to SFDC release

    If I compare my production org to a preview sandbox that has been upgraded to the new release, I see some changed, new, and deleted items that appear to be due to the upgrade. For the most part it probably doesn't make sense (or isn't possible) to deploy those differences in either direction, so it would be nice to be able to exclude them or have them flagged somehow.

    For example, in Winter '20 several fields were added to the OpportunityContactRole object. They show up as custom fields in the comparison. If I try to deploy them to production, the…

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  5. Show summary of selected Filter conditions

    Would like ability to select a saved filter and see a summary of all the 'checked' filter conditions in it. Useful in verifying a filter or shared filter before using it.

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  6. Explicitly set object-level permissions, even if these are omitted from XML provided by Salesforce API

    Valerio recommended that I post this suggestion following a discussion on 29 August 2019.

    Issue reference:

    1. Remove all object-level access for "Lead" from a custom profile in a source org
    2. Deploy this profile to a target org
    3. The profile in the target org will have access to the "Lead" object ENABLED, because this access is included in the Standard User profile (see document link above)

    The workaround (deploying and then deploying again) is cumbersome and not always practical, e.g. if making automated, one-step deployments outside of Gearset. Failing to make a second deployment means that…

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  7. Mark items as already reviewed earlier

    Today we are gearing up for a major deploy so we are deploying many different changes into gitHub. It would be nice to be able to mark whole sections of content as already reviewed such that any new comparison could ignore all of that content. Then we could look at only the new or newly changed/deleted content.

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  8. When opening a draft/clone allow updating the content filter *before* the comparison

    When opening a draft deployment or cloning a deployment, please allow the option to update the content filter before running the comparison. As things are now, we have to wait for the comparison to finish before we can change the filter, and then we have to wait for the comparison to run again.

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  9. Ability to tell what metadata filter someone used in a compare/deployment

    For compliance, troubleshooting, and collaboration purposes it would be great to see what metadata filter a user used on their comparison

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  10. Filter (regex) on Outbound Message names within Workflows in Metadata Comparison

    Our sandboxes all point to different URLs within the Outbound Message action.

    We want to include workflows in our CI job that backfills production changes into test environments.

    However, we cannot do this as there's no way to exclude outbound messages in the filter.

    In the "Metadata Comparison Filter", you only have the option to add regex or select specific items at the object level within "Workflow".

    If you apply a regex to hit the outbound message name, it doesn't actually hit that outbound message name and only searches within the object name.

    You can only use regex when you're…

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  11. Allow individual lines to be selected for inclusion or exclusion of a deployment

    Allow individual lines to be selected for inclusion or exclusion of a deployment

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  12. Provide ordering for metadata elements when committing to version control

    When metadata is retrieved from Salesforce the order of child nodes is not guaranteed and results in false-positive changes when committing to version control. Usually this will be something simple like workflow actions/criteria appearing out-of-order which can be compared manually. However, recently we've noticed entire profiles being committed with every permissions element out-of-order, resulting in a change set with ~20k lines where the actual change is impossible to visualize.

    Gearset should provide a feature to 'order' child XML elements alphabetically by name in order to provide consistent commits to version control and eliminate false-positives.

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  13. 2 votes

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  14. Allow for selecting/unselecting Filter by Package.xml

    When doing a clone or a refresh comparison today the ability does not exist to add or remove the option of whether you are filtering by package.xml. I would like to see this added.

    For us what might occur at times is that we have a release occur where this is accidentally selected and we find that a number of items are missing and due to this being selected. We have no way to remove the selection and have ended up starting over. One of a number of scenarios where it would be nice to have the option to do…

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  15. 1 vote

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  16. Warn the user of unsaved changes to an org compare filter

    It would be nice if we got a warning if we have selected specific components in a filter but havent saved the filter when we hit OK. I've lost a lot of work on a custom filter because I forgot to hit 'Save' - I would have thought it would auto-save when you hit OK.

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  17. Namespace Mapping for Managed Packages

    We are an ISV partner with a managed package we sell to lots of customers. That means our package is namespaced. However with a distributed development team and multiple dev orgs, all source code is not namespaced, and is maintained in source control (github) without namespaces. Only upon unit test and promotion to the package org, does the namespace get added. This results in two basic problems (and others). 1) comparisons between unit test and package result in almost everything being flagged as "changed" due to the namespace, and 2) all aura components are always flagged as "new" when they…

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  18. Import list of metadata items into org comparison.

    When running a comparison, a user should be able to import a list of metadata items based on an agreed format (likely API names). This list would allow the user to save effort from copy pasting api names if they track their changes in an external system. For example, we track changes in our release system within our Salesforce production org. Our manifest items are tracked such as "customobjectc.customfield__c" and have statuses such as new/updated/deleted so we have a historical references of our changes. Being able to import these changes while still having the ability to select…

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  19. push new profile FLS entries into the profile file in alphabetical order

    When picking up new FLS entries, by default these are added at the bottom of the list of FLS.

    This causes issues when also having save jobs picking up changes, as this can result in duplicate FLS being added to a branch.

    Please update code structuring, so new FLS is added in the correct place in the MD files.

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  20. Make it easier to select all custom field translations for deployment

    Right now if you want to select translations for certain custom fields, it is necessary to expand the sub-components for each field and select the translation. The second option is to go to the custom object and expand the sub-components in order to check translations which will include all the custom field translations for this object.
    It would be helpful to get a way to select the translations for specific custom fields in the deployment.

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