Help us improve Gearset
We love getting feedback from our users on how we can make Gearset even better. Post your ideas for improvements, new features, and bug fixes alike, and vote for others – let us know what’s important to you.
247 results found
Add "Manage Custom Filters" button next to Metadata Comparison Filter dropdown
I find myself always going into the "Manage custom filters" screen as it allows you to see what metadata you're including and even change the selected filter.
To get to that screen always requires a click on the drop down (Metadata Comparison Filter) and then another click at the very top on "Manage Custom Filters".
It'd be great if the "Manage Custom filters" gear/button was displayed on the main UI next to the "Metadata Comparison Filter" to save time (avoid clicking on the dropdown) and allow users to quickly get to the Manage Custom filters screen which contains all you…
4 votes -
Include the local file name on all the results screens
When you choose a local file to use as compare, on every subsequent screen the only title you see is: "On-disk repository". It would be helpful to include the name of the file.
1 vote -
Include the local file name on all the results screens
When you choose a local file to use as compare, on every subsequent screen the only title you see is: "On-disk repository". It would be helpful to include the name of the file.
1 vote -
Add support for "ServiceCrew" and "ServiceCrewMember"
These two objects are part of the FSL package for Salesforce. Right now, when we do a compare between two orgs, no results with be shown.
1 vote -
Show related reports as dependencies when deploying a Dashboard
When choosing to deploy a dashboard, It would be helpful if all of the reports that are used by that dashboard were shown as dependencies with the option to select them as part of the deployment
1 vote -
expand the export comparison option to include the details changed between the objects and not just the object name time and type
expand the export comparison option to include the details changed between the objects and not just the object name time and type
1 vote -
Make All Items show all items in the filter
On the comparison summary the All Items tab does not show items that don't exist in either org.
It is possible to add an item that does not exist in any org (perhaps by mistyping the name of a class/object/trigger/etc.) but the All Items tab does not show those items. It would be helpful if even items that don't exist in either of the comparison orgs were displayed in the All Items list and flagged as not existing. This will make debugging problems like mistyping names easier to diagnose.
I wasted an hour of my time and that of two…
1 vote -
Add a tab for Items that the Items I Selected Depend On
It would be so cool if there could be a tab that shows all the items that my selected items depend on. It would be much easier to review / select them then the way I do it now, which is expanding each item in the Selected Items tab to check for things I need to add.
5 votes -
Separate the Custom Settings <object> Permissions and Metadata Type permissions from the Profile or Permission set
When promoting Custom Objects and their security, we have to look at Custom Object Permissions (after loading the respective Profiles and Permission Sets in addition to the Custom Objects). We should follow a similar model for Custom Settings and Custom Metadata Types. The reason is that, if they remain part of the Profile or Permission Set, then I have to make sure that the Profile or Permission set exactly matches what I want in the target environment - I can't have any extra Custom Settings or Metadata Types that don't exist in the target environment yet or the promotion will…
1 vote -
add a wrning
when adding filters in the manage custom filters section can you a check to see if the contents look like regex, and the type selected is "object name" can you pop up a warning aong the lines of "Are you sure you don't want a regex filter?"
1 vote -
Options to pick only selected custom labels metadata for salesforce.
Since the custom labels metadata can’t be picked individually, the Gearset compare and validate process would pull in all custom label changes. This would be a concern if we want to withhold any particular custom labels from being pushed to higher environment.
6 votes -
swapping source and target after compare
I was doing compare between our 2 orgs (Source: UAT, Target: DEVSTG) and I realized that I got the order wrong. Should be (Source: DEVSTG, Target: UAT). But the compare has already completed.
I wish there is a way to just flip (swap) the source and target without re-comparing as it takes some time comparing between orgs.
9 votes -
Improve CI validations jobs - allow incremental comparisons with Github Pull Request/Push Validations
Currently, the only way to validate a branch, push, or pull request is to essentially have gearset pull all metadata from the repository and the org.
This can result in a long wait time for validation. It'd be great if we could have quicker turnaround for users to get feedback after a push/pull request.
Since github/provider of choice would have the exact metadata that changed in the push/pull request, it'd be helpful to only have gearset pull the metadata that actually changed to limit how much time is spent simply pulling all metadata to make the comparison.
2 votes -
1 vote
Ability to Compare metadata filters
When we have too many metadata filters, it is getting hard to keep track of them and figure out the similarities between them. It would be great to have an option to compare custom metadata filters.
2 votes -
Add a column to indicate if XML matches if order doesn't matter
See this link:
Sometimes, the XML of an item in sandbox/production can be the same, but not in the same order. This leads to false positives showing up in the list as "changed items".
I understand that sometimes order matters (eg: in picklists) but maybe there could be an additional column which shows if there are no differences if you ignore order? Maybe even a setting to turn the column on and off so it's not confusing?
1 vote -
Allow Scheduling of Comparison and Export Results via Email
Our use case is to schedule the comparison of two sources (Salesforce orgs) which are both "dev" environments, on a daily basis, yet receive the comparison results as an email attachment. The format of the export file within the comparison itself is what we'd need. This would save time & clicks by not having to log into the app and dig into the comparison job to manually extract the csv file.
4 votes -
create a compare/deploy function for data similar to metadata
having something like new/different/deleted for data (so we can compare, say, products vs new product options or features) like we do for metadata
5 votes -
Distinguish between code changes and just API metadata changes for Apex in Comparison Window
For large code comparisons, it'd be great to have the ability to see when it's just a change in API vs. actual differences. Right now, you'd have to click on every row to see what the actual change was.
2 votes -
Ignore sfdx-project.json file in order to compare code using Metadata API structure
I need use the sfdx-project.json file in order to integrate with VS
code, but using Metadata API structure.
Apparently, Gearset is looking for this file to define if is a metadata API or SFDX structure,So I need a ignore looking for this file, in order to compare as metadata API structure.
Thank you.
1 vote
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