Help us improve Gearset
We love getting feedback from our users on how we can make Gearset even better. Post your ideas for improvements, new features, and bug fixes alike, and vote for others – let us know what’s important to you.
247 results found
Prevent Accidental Backing Out of Deployment components when Deploying Multiple Packages
Sometimes I have multiple packages that have been validated, that I am looking to deploy. If they happen to overlap components, then deploying in the wrong order could back out a change made by the earlier deployment.
From this I came up with two ideas that could help:1) The ability to select multiple validated packages or draft deployments, and click a button that will tell me if they have overlapping components. That will let me know if I have anything to worry about; if they overlap then maybe I should combine them into one package.
2) The ability to…
1 vote -
Make "Hide Reodering" global switch
Please add a feature to have globally selected "Hide Reordering" and also hide those files that have no changes after reordering from Changed Items?
Clicking that on every file to see that there are no real differences is time consuming and slow down the comparison process.
1. I am comparing two sandboxes develop with my private sandbox to align with changes made on develop.
2. I have comparison with many Global Value Sets, Custom fields which are Picklists, flows etc.
3. Most of them are not changed but are listed as changes. I need to click on each metadata…14 votes -
Ignore "trackHistory" comparison if an Org has "FALSE" and Git does not define this entry
The Salesforce CLI system returns the Custom Field Metadata XML file without a "trackHistory" entry if it is set to false. This XML entry is optional in the Custom Field metadata type. However, once we deploy such metadata to the org and execute compare between a branch and the org again, it shows differences, saying that "trackHistory == false". But is "false" by default. So I would recommend you ignore this entry if SF Org returns FALSE and the VCS file does not have this item.
1 vote -
Add the ability to run the problem analyzer while on the comparison screen
I originally was going to request the ability to append the items found in problem analyzer to the list of selected components, when going back to view the comparison, but then I thought why not take it one step further, and move the problem analyzer feature to the comparison screen? Then, the items it finds/suggests, the user can add them to the package there, or choose to ignore them.
3 votes -
add the option to either hide source control locations where you do not have a connection, or allow a default SCM connection to be selected.
We only use on source control service, so having to select 'Azure DevOps' before being able to select the repo/branch, is a small step that adds up over time.
Being able to either hide services that you do not already have a connection for, or being able to default to a service, with the ability yo navigate back up and over, as needed. would be welcomed.
3 votes -
Pop Out Diff File in Comparisons
The current UI design for comparisons is very unfriendly to smaller screens. When working on a laptop viewing the comparison and the Diff files together is nearly impossible. It would be useful to be able to pop out a diff file or open it in another tab so it can be better viewed.
1 vote -
It would be great if I could group my Selected Items into groups or Projects, so that I could filter and just see those. Now that I've added a bunch of items for different projects, it's a little hard to quickly decipher which project it applies to. I'd like to be able to double check each Project's list right before deploying to make sure I've added everything. Maybe you can add another column and allow the user to create new values for "Projects."
1 vote -
Add an Undo Action/Functionality in the Comparison UI
Add an Undo button to the comparison UI in case someone accidentally de-selects a component from the Selected Items tab. It would save time rather than having re-search for the component and lose your train of thought. You have this feature in Google Docs and sheets.
2 votes -
Rename the Name bar in compare and deploy to : Name (api)
Simple to implement, just a string rename...
Rename the Name bar in compare and deploy to : Name (api)
It would show clearly that the name displayed there is the API name, not the "label" name XD
Cheerio2 votes -
sfdx repo deployment should be in subcomponents
Context: Compare and Deploy from Org to a Repo.
as i understand it, even if my repo is in SFDX format (Object subcomponents), Gearset still does the compare in the metadata format.
it reads the components from sfdx, combines into a .object form, and then applies the changes to the .object file and then decomposes again.this is causing unintentional changes to be part of our PR
2 votes -
Enhance Metadata Filter Type Recognition
Our team has struggled learning the Metadata API names of metadata types when compared to what items are called in change sets. One example would be to highlight Weblink when a user searches for Button.
3 votes -
Make org-org and org-VCS compare differences work the same
There is no end to confusion on the part of the devops user when Gearset displays differences "differently" when comparison is org-org vs. org-VCS
Gearset should apply a consistent principle - to see a Profile subcomponent, the compare filter should include both sides of the subcomponent (e.g. Profile + ApexClass to see ApexClassPermissions; Profile + Layout to see layoutAssignments; etc.)
If both sides of the subcomponent are not included in the filter, then there's no difference to show.
Note that these use cases must also be supported:
Profile deleted in org; org->VCS compare should delete .profile file…
2 votes -
The ability to deploy only certain fields in a record type and not all fields
If we want to promote a change to a single field in a record type, we're unable to because the file is pushed in it's entirety. We'd like the ability to view from list of available changes in a record type by field and select just the changes to the fields we want to promote.
3 votes -
"Dismiss/Hide Item" option for any found comparison
There are numerous "changes' that aren't actually changes (ex: logo images, Global Picklist set order). It'd be great to hide those those changes or dismiss them in a comparison to not look at them. Once it's dismissed, it's out of sight and there is no need to evaluate it every time you look at a saved comparison. It'd be clear that it was evaluated and not dismissed.
1 vote -
Filter option: not containing, eg. rather than filtering for 'custom field', filter by components not a 'custom field'
A better example might be I don't want to see anything that has the word 'contact'.
1 vote -
Allow Package Cloning between Saved Comparison Pairs
Please allow us to select a comparison pair as the source/destination when cloning a package. This will make it much easier to select the source and destination when cloning a package, and reduce the risks associated with accidentally selecting the wrong repo or branch or sandbox.
2 votes -
Option to ignore: <personAccountDefault> in XML
When comparing XML for RecordType permissions in Profiles, some Sandboxes return:
<personAccountDefault>true</personAccountDefault>As part of the XML, even though person accounts are not enabled, this makes comparing annoying.
It would be nice to have an option to ignore this.
10 votes -
Allow exporting of custom filter settings
I have some regexes configured specifically for continuous integration, changing these would likely break our CI process. I would like to be able to export a JSON or YAML (or whatever sensible text based format) of my filter configuration, so I can easily view which metadata I'm selecting and excluding through regex, and possibly commit this file to source control.
This is primarily because our team shares filters, and I'd hate to lose the configuration because of someone mucking up.
3 votes -
Display Permission Set changes as one entry
When working with Permission Set changes, it sometimes would be useful to see them grouped by Permission Set instead of being disaggregated by field. For example, we are migrating from using Profiles to Permission sets to grant all access. Currently, if we make changes to many (>100) fields in two different Permission Sets, we have to review many (>100) entries. Also, grouping by permission set would allow us to deploy changes to one Permission Set while ignoring the other.
2 votes -
Last Modified in Metadata Filter
It would be great if I could set a "last modified" filter when setting which metadata to pull. Rather than go to Apex Classes, wait for the list to refresh, then cherry-pick them, it would be great to simply compare Apex classes modified today, or in the last 30 days, or in the last hour, etc.
4 votes
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