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1246 results found

  1. Integrate with Jenkins

    Build a Jenkins Plugin to integrate with Gearset that would allow triggering CI jobs and/or deployments.

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  2. Display which apex triggers have low code coverage if a deployment fails

    It would be great if Gearset can surface which Apex trigger has 0% code coverage when a deployment fails.

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    3 comments  ·  Testing  ·  Admin →
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  3. Avoid Analyzer suggesting to deploy a workflow's Sobject when such SObject and all referenced fields exists in the target

    Use case:
    1. Deploy from source to target a changed Workflow (from active to deactivated)
    2. Target already has all of the workflow's referenced components (fields used in filter criteria, fields used in Field Update)

    Analyzer will tell you "Add the following to the deployment" and something that looks like:

    Deploy All
    - object.WfName
    -- object and its subcomponents
    -- object and its subcomponents
    -- object and its subcomponents

    Since the object is already in the target as are the subcomponents, this message is alarmingly misleading and could inadvertently lead to deploying an object not yet ready.

    The above message…

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  4. AWS CodeCommit ability to view Repos

    Today the ability is not there to allow for viewing multiple repositories within AWS Code Commit. One can view a singular repo and the branches that it contains.

    In our instance we have different repos for our various instances. We would like to be able to have the ability to go on level deeper and be able to first choose the repo, then choose the branch.

    Hit me up with any questions please.

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  5. 8 votes

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  6. Auto-generate deployment note and git commit message

    When Gearset makes a commit, it defaults to a blank deployment note and blank git commit message. Although I can edit this , it would be awesome if you can merge in details from the deploy to the commit (like components changed, what salesforce user made the change etc)

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  7. Support aliases for metadata types in the search box

    So often, I type something in the search box for a metadata type based on the point-and-click labels and the search comes up with nothing.

    I'd suggest an auto-substitute option so if one types in 'Email alert', it auto-prompts for the metadata API substitute: 'Workflow alert' Or, if one types in 'Support process', it auto-prompts to substitute 'Business Process'

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  8. For CI Jobs initiated by Github, dynamically send CI failure / success email to the user who committed to the repo.

    Currently, we can only specify a list of users to email, a Slack channel to update, or a Chatter group to post to when a CI job is successful or fails. If there are multiple notifications to a number of people, it's likely they will filter out these messages, so being able to notify the person who the CI Job is most relevant to would be a good improvement.

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  9. Initiate comparison from package.xml

    I'd like to be able to drop a package.xml file on the New comparison screen. Doing that will have two effects.

    First off, it will drive the selection of which metadata types to include in the comparison.

    Secondly, it will automatically select the components listed in the package.xml on the comparison results page.

    This provides a really good way to expediting a deployment, since package.xml are used pretty universally by both IDEs and standard deployment tools (including packages).It also helps me take advantage of the intelligence of automatic dependency and all of the other goodies that Gearset has. Basically I…

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  10. Improve comparison performance

    If there is one thing that is :-( about Gearset is that for moderate size orgs (a few thousand objects), the default 64 comparison takes too long.

    You want to initiate a deployment from source to target and, for whatever reason, you want to make sure you didn't miss anything that needs to be deployed

    So, to be safe, you initiate the 64 default comparison.

    And you wait (downloading, comparison). This can take several minutes. You go on to other tasks and your zeal to get the deployment done went off onto other things as the comparison time is too…

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  11. Allow deployment of PROFILE only

    The main reason we considered Gearset was issues with deploying profiles. Half the object settings, if not more, don't come over with change sets. When attempting to use Gearset to ONLY deploy a profile, we had the same issue. So, what's the point of using GS then? When I talked with one of your technical resources he did mention that was not a common use case. I would think it would be for large organizations like ours (over 3500 employees). We may want to spin up a new profile and just deploy that with no app or any other features…

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  12. Expand the user security model to restrict user compare / deployment access to defined comparison filters

    Hi guys -

    In many instances, we would like to restrict user access to certain compare / deploy metadata filters. In our case, it would be rare that all metadata changes are to be deployed and we would like to give our engineers access to only certain filters. This would reduce the risk that items that should not be deployed at a high level will not be deployed. In the current model, if a user has deploy access, they can deploy anything and everything. This is what we are looking to avoid.

    Thanks in advance for your time!



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  13. Save previously entered comparison filters

    I am currently using a standard regex filter each time I do a comparison. It has become quite lengthy such that I can't easily remember it. I have ended up saving it in a separate text file and have to open it, then copy and paste it into Gearset each time I do a comparison. Pretty cumbersome.

    It would be nice if the Filter... text box on the comparison results screen was a combo box that when clicked, dropped down a list of recently used filters. Each entry in the list should be removable (like with a little 'x' icon…

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  14. Have a timer on the compare page to indicate how long the compare is taking

    Sometimes a compare can take us 30-45 minutes depending on the complexity of the org. I would like to see a running timer on this page of how long the compare is taking. I don't expect it to say how long is left, just how long it has taken so far. This will help to highlight if any abnormalities are happening, ie. if it's taking a very long time and is only at the Downloading phase for example.

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  15. Provide the option to ignore whitespace differences in Apex

    It would be great to have more control over the diff process - particularly to be able to ignore whitespace changes.

    If I've made an actual function change to a class, and also auto-indented it, then it would be a lot easier to see the important change if I could hide the whitespace-only changes.

    Having the ability to suppress whitespace-only changes on the list of changed objects would be really useful, too.

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  16. When the difference between Source and Target, on a particular line, is only in the formatting. Highlight in a different color

    From what I can determine you are categorizing the differences as follows:
    Code in Source, not in Target – Highlighted in Green
    Code in Target not in Source – Highlighted in Red
    Difference between code in Source and Target – Highlighted in Yellow

    When the difference between Source and Target, on a particular line, is only in the formatting. It would be nice if that was highlighted in a different color than yellow (perhaps grey). It would speed up the review of the code knowing a certain color was only a formatting difference.

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  17. Have the option to attach test details to test notification email

    When you set up notification options for test monitoring, there should be a checkbox for attaching the detailed test result csv file to the email

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  18. Deploying Profiles - Create, Update, Delete

    I have noticed that in some scenarios, user profiles cannot be created, deleted or updated. In addition, some pieces such as user license cannot be updated due to the Salesforce architecture. To create a new profile with a specific license, we would have to clone an existing profile that has the correct license and then update the permissions accordingly. When deleting a profile, first we need to ensure that the profile is not associated with a user (it doesn't matter whether the user is active or inactive) and then the profile can be deleted. When updating a profile, based on…

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  19. Cancel deployment in progress

    In Salesforce, you can cancel a deployment in progress: Maybe because a test has failed already and you don't want to bother running the rest, or because you forgot some things.

    Can we have a cancel button while a deployment is in progress in Gearset? The metadata api seems to support it:

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  20. Support deleting comparison data

    Having the comparison history is a great feature, but it would be very beneficial to be able to delete any data in the system, especially when working with a trial account. Part of testing could include working with test environments that you don't want to persist after going live. Also, peace of mind when ending the trial that your data has been removed.

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