Help us improve Gearset
We love getting feedback from our users on how we can make Gearset even better. Post your ideas for improvements, new features, and bug fixes alike, and vote for others – let us know what’s important to you.
1285 results found
I would like to download a CSV file from any stage in the Pipeline that includes all the PR details.
I wanted to know the PR's that are pending between the pipeline environments, so I copied the screen data into a spreadsheet and had to spend time to make it usable. I used the information to understand the outstanding work by team (we follow naming conventions for our work), identify stranded stories from departed developers, and have a deeper understand into the backlog. I am using the information to talk to the pod leaders discussing process improvements, release timing/scheduling, and other operational improvements.
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Don't mark data deployment as successful if some records were excluded due to invalid picklist values
Currently if you deploy data and one object had records excluded, the top of the window says "Deployment completed successfully." However, in reality, part of the deployment was NOT successful. The only way to find out is to find that the record is missing or to slowly scroll looking for yellow exclamation. This should be extremely obvious since it's a failed deployment.
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Don't mark data deployment as successful if some records were excluded due to invalid picklist values
Currently if you deploy data and one object had records excluded, the top of the window says "Deployment completed successfully." However, in reality, part of the deployment was NOT successful. The only way to find out is to find that the record is missing or to slowly scroll looking for yellow exclamation. This should be extremely obvious since it's a failed deployment.
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Always sort results by Name (alphabetically) as a second-level sort
If a sort has been applied to any column other than Name, apply a secondary sort to "Name" so the rows always sort alphabetically by Name.
This is most useful when sorting by Metadata Type, I'd like the results to be grouped first by Metadata Type, but then I'd like to see the results sorted alphabetically by their name.
Even if the user is sorting by Changed On, for example - if there are 100 fields all deployed on the exact same date/time (ex. Mar 26, 2025 1:19pm), you might as well sort them alphabetically by Name as well
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I would expand my request to if a sort has been applied to *any* column other than Name, apply a secondary sort to "Name" so the rows always
If a sort has been applied to any column other than Name, apply a secondary sort to "Name" so the rows always sort alphabetically by Name.
This is most useful when sorting by Metadata Type, I'd like the results to be grouped first by Metadata Type, but then I'd like to see the results sorted alphabetically by their name.
Even if the user is sorting by Changed On, for example - if there are 100 fields all deployed on the exact same date/time (ex. Mar 26, 2025 1:19pm), you might as well sort them alphabetically by Name as well
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view only user
A free "View Only" user role
We have setup notifications on changes for specific use cases - eg. all changes to custom fields only.
We have configured these to send to Slack and Teams channels - but detailed information has to be surfaced in Gearset.
We would like to give "view" access to many users for the comparison result in the notification, and no other permissions. This should not encroach on the licenced user count.1 vote -
Create a functionality which can Export all the Open PRs for Pipeline
Dear Gearset Team,
We recently encountered a challenge where we had approximately 250 open PRs in production. To streamline the process, we needed to submit a report listing all open PRs, which were then reviewed by the Dev team. If a PR was deemed unnecessary, it needed to be declined. Additionally, some tickets were withdrawn, which required the associated PRs to be declined as well.
Currently, this task requires us to manually open each PR, copy the PR link, add the story linked to the PR, and include the assignee of that story. We then input all this information manually…
1 vote -
Add option to send notification to the Webex Teams for the Unit tests with the failed tests
Add option to send notification to the Webex Teams for the Unit tests with the failed tests. While setting up a new unit test job for one of our Salesforce orgs I have observed that there in no option to send the notification to the Webex Teams chats. It would be critical to our org as we use Webex.
2 votes -
Adaption of Deployment frequency of CI jobs
While setting up a CI job, I recognized there are only automatization options up to every 24 hours, which is once a day. Currently there is no possibility to deploy e.g. every second day or even more important to us, every week/ every second week. Please add this possibility when adding CI jobs, to have a slower Deployment cycle to e.g. demo sandboxes, that don't need daily deployment.
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Add stacktrace column to Test Outcomes
There is no Stacktarce information on the Test Outcomes from the Unit Testing page. That information is important to help the developer team investigate the issues.
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Audit history on Data Backup Jobs
For SOX compliance, we backup our Salesforce production data with Gearset. However, there is currently no way to determine the last time the job was modified. If at the bare minimum we had the last modified date & the user that modified the job, we would be able to confirm for the auditors that no changes have been made. Ideally, we would have tracking on the job for the different features - adding or removing objects, cadence of job, etc. For now, we're having to do a manual review.
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Add testing steps to Jira ticket
Like the new feature for adding pre/post deployment steps, it would be good to be able to add testing steps to a feature in gearset.
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Post pull request descriptions to linked Jira ticket
It would be good to have the ability to post pull request descriptions to the linked Jira ticket of a feature. Currently there is limited visibility of the pull request description as its only visible in the code repository, therefore it would be good to see it on the jira ticket as a comment.
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I would love to be able to edit the name of a feature while it is in progress in the pipeline.
We include the release date as part of the feature title, but sometimes the release date changes after we create the feature and while the feature is still in the pipeline. It would be great if we could update the name of the feature at any point up until deployment to production.
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Add Pre/Post Deployment steps for Data deployments
Some data deployments require manual steps pre and or post deployment.
Scenario we had was that a rule for whatever reason couldn't be turned off by GS so I had to manually switch it off or the deployment failed then back on after it deployed,
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Add Pre/Post Deployment steps for Data deployments
Some data deployments require manual steps pre and or post deployment.
Scenario we had was that a rule for whatever reason couldn't be turned off by GS so I had to manually switch it off or the deployment failed then back on after it deployed,
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Audit changes to the "Require issue tracking" setting
As a result of a query by our auditors it would be helpful to have changes to the 'Require issue tracking' deployment setting audited. They are concerned that a team-owner could alter this to perform a deployment then reinstate it, resulting in change deployment without tracking.
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Audit changes to the "Require issue tracking" setting
As a result of a query by our auditors it would be helpful to have changes to the 'Require issue tracking' deployment setting audited. They are concerned that a team-owner could alter this to perform a deployment then reinstate it, resulting in change deployment without tracking.
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Show doesRequireRecordChangedToMeetCriteria on Flow Navigator
The doesRequireRecordChangedToMeetCriteria toggle on flow Decisions doesn't show on Flow Navigator, making it harder to check for issues on builds when using the comparison tool.
doesRequireRecordChangedToMeetCriteria should show in the flow navigator, same as the rest of the decision configuration.
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Fix comparison default date range
- Click new compare and deploy
- Select a source and target.
- Notice the date range says "Today" but DON'T change it.
- Click Compare
- Notice the date range now says "All Time"
1. Click new compare and deploy
2. Select a source and target.
3. Notice the date range says "Today"
4. Change the date range to anything else
5. Change the date range back to "Today"
6. Click Compare
7. Notice the date range now says "Today"1 vote
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