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247 results found

  1. Add a tab for Items that the Items I Selected Depend On

    It would be so cool if there could be a tab that shows all the items that my selected items depend on. It would be much easier to review / select them then the way I do it now, which is expanding each item in the Selected Items tab to check for things I need to add.


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  2. create a compare/deploy function for data similar to metadata

    having something like new/different/deleted for data (so we can compare, say, products vs new product options or features) like we do for metadata

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  3. Only display active branches when displaying branches from a bit bucket cloud repository

    Only display active branches when displaying branches from a bit bucket cloud repository

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  4. FLS selection for Source control

    while deploying a field to source control. we just want to move profile FLS of that only field. FLS was not displayed on the components drop down of profile. we are only able select profile so that whole object's FLS are getting deployed to the Source Control.

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  5. Include both dates on comparison export

    The sheet exported from a comparison currently includes only one date column. It is unclear which org this refers to. It would be great if it included two columns (one per org) so that one didn't have to individually look up the item to determine which version is newer.

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  6. Allow users to choose their default comparison view

    Different types of Gearset user will prefer to analyse comparisons in different ways. Some will definitely prefer the XML view; others will prefer the new simplified views.

    I think it would be great if Gearset allowed users to specify their default view and comparisons load with this preference.

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  7. Configure the "Saved Comparison Pair" to always use a specific Comparison Filter

    When managing multiple orgs, and running comparisons, the Saved Comparison Pair saves a lot of time. However, sometimes we need to use different Comparison Filters, based on which environments we are comparing.

    Instead of first choosing the Comparison Pair, then manually selecting the Comparison Filter to use, it would be great to be able to (optionally) configure the Comparison Pair to use a specified Comparison Filter.

    Example Use Case:

    When committing work from our Dev org to BitBucket, we exclude Apex Classes & Triggers, and mainly commit declarative functionality (Apex code is committed separately from our dev team). All development…

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  8. Deploy Managed Custom Filters Globally

    When we associate a custom filter with a particular CI job, and then make changes to the filter, give the user the option to push those changes to all jobs (list them out) that use that named filter.

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  9. Button for 'All the Differences' that gives all additions, deletions, and changes

    I'd love to have a button for 'all the things' (new, changed, and deleted). Currently, every time I run a compare, I use the All button and then turn off 'No Difference' on type.

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  10. Add issues from the problem analyzer to the comparison list

    When I find issues in the problem analyzer, if I accept them, they only add the things that I have selected, but I can't add any related elements without going back to the comparison.

    For example, if I miss a custom field in the comparison, but the problem analyzer flags it, I don't have any way to add the permissions for that field.

    Instead, I have to go back to the comparison and add that missed field and then it's related features (this is a big problem if the analyzer flags a number of issues).

    Having a button in the…

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  11. Add the ability to edit xml

    I would like to have the possibility to edit XML files from the comparison view.

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  12. Allow users set their own default tab view when viewing the comparison between orgs

    The recent change (March '22) to change the default tab when viewing a comparison from Changed Items to 'All Items' makes it more difficult to quickly see changes, because maybe there aren't any. The All Items list would also be extremely long if the org is particularly complex.
    As such, I propose that you give users the ability to select their own default tab when the comparison page loads, so we can choose to always view 'New' or 'Changed' items.

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  13. Last Modified in Metadata Filter

    It would be great if I could set a "last modified" filter when setting which metadata to pull. Rather than go to Apex Classes, wait for the list to refresh, then cherry-pick them, it would be great to simply compare Apex classes modified today, or in the last 30 days, or in the last hour, etc.

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  14. Add "Manage Custom Filters" button next to Metadata Comparison Filter dropdown

    I find myself always going into the "Manage custom filters" screen as it allows you to see what metadata you're including and even change the selected filter.

    To get to that screen always requires a click on the drop down (Metadata Comparison Filter) and then another click at the very top on "Manage Custom Filters".

    It'd be great if the "Manage Custom filters" gear/button was displayed on the main UI next to the "Metadata Comparison Filter" to save time (avoid clicking on the dropdown) and allow users to quickly get to the Manage Custom filters screen which contains all you…

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  15. Allow Scheduling of Comparison and Export Results via Email

    Our use case is to schedule the comparison of two sources (Salesforce orgs) which are both "dev" environments, on a daily basis, yet receive the comparison results as an email attachment. The format of the export file within the comparison itself is what we'd need. This would save time & clicks by not having to log into the app and dig into the comparison job to manually extract the csv file.

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  16. Categorize Meta Data Filters

    Allow the custom meta data filters to be categorize or put in folders. You could organize your filters by customer, deployment type, etc..

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  17. Better pre-selection of repos & branches

    My reasoning for the need:
    Every day when comparing, I have to choose one github repo out of 343 (46 of mine + 297 from an org I'm a part of). Yes I know I can type some characters and it will search the list of repos, but it's still unpractical. It sometimes looks like it remembers the choice, but I think it doesn't quite work after logout and I have to select the repo from the long list too often.

    The bare minimum that would bring me pleasure:
    The last used repo I used for any comparison would always…

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  18. Search for components within Profile should show results regardless of expansion of specific profiles

    Use case on Difference Viewer:

    search on `profilerecordtypevisibility' (or use metadata filter and check Profile: Record Type Visibility)

    Unless the difference viewer already has the Profile(s) expanded for their components, you get no results

    Desired behavior -- Search on components within Profile should show results; even if search takes longer

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  19. Display "Metadata comparison (custom) filter" used on "Comparison in progress" -screen

    Hi! I just started to evaluate Gearset. Looking good. When I was staring at "Comparison in progress"-screen this came to my mind:

    Sometimes it takes a bit longer than expected and I start to think: "OMG - What custom filter I used? - Probably I'm comparing everything - That's why it takes so long - Maybe I should cancel this job?".

    It would be more reassuring if the Metadata comparison (custom) filter being used was also shown on that "Comparison in progress" screen.

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  20. Improve comparison performance

    If there is one thing that is :-( about Gearset is that for moderate size orgs (a few thousand objects), the default 64 comparison takes too long.

    You want to initiate a deployment from source to target and, for whatever reason, you want to make sure you didn't miss anything that needs to be deployed

    So, to be safe, you initiate the 64 default comparison.

    And you wait (downloading, comparison). This can take several minutes. You go on to other tasks and your zeal to get the deployment done went off onto other things as the comparison time is too…

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