Help us improve Gearset
We love getting feedback from our users on how we can make Gearset even better. Post your ideas for improvements, new features, and bug fixes alike, and vote for others – let us know what’s important to you.
247 results found
Have a timer on the compare page to indicate how long the compare is taking
Sometimes a compare can take us 30-45 minutes depending on the complexity of the org. I would like to see a running timer on this page of how long the compare is taking. I don't expect it to say how long is left, just how long it has taken so far. This will help to highlight if any abnormalities are happening, ie. if it's taking a very long time and is only at the Downloading phase for example.
4 votes -
Unselect all standard profiles & related permission
Often you want to deploy Admin profile and (x) custom profiles. Compare and deploy picks up hundreds of entries for standard profiles which are surplus to requirements. A single click way would be veryuseful.
4 votes -
Compare Types on Comparison
For the pipelines observed when creating a feature branch and during comparison runs, a default filter is applied to the compared types without any metadata types selected (0). We would like to have a custom filter with metadata types for a specific pipeline pre-selected by default when the feature branch initiates the comparison.
3 votes -
default repository
Allow to set a default repository when you have multiple repositories.
- Navigate to Compate and Deploy
- Select Source Control and select a VCS(in our case Gitlab Self Managed)
- If you have dozens of repositories they all show up on the list
- Need ability to specific a default repo which will be auto selected
3 votes -
Make filter to search through all the components which are hidden under 1st level and expand the components
Can I ask Gearset team to add filter in compared components to search through all the components which are hidden under 1st level (e.g. custom objects or profiles).
For example, in the filter to compare metadata I selected certain custom tab (in the profile the access to the tab was deleted), also selected certain profiles, but serching through the compared metadata list I spent hours and did not manage to find those components for deployment package.
The same is for object access. I selected certain object, selected certain profiles - and again, it's a hard quest to find necessary components…3 votes -
Ability to Filter Out Namespaced Metadata
I figured the best way to write this out was in the form of some sub-par user stories.
As a Salesforce Admin, I need the ability to do a comparison of two orgs/repos and have it show only non-namespaced metadata so that I can easily distinguish between things I own and manage vs what are from managed packages.
As a salesforce Admin, I want to be able to indicate that I want to hide all namespaced metadata while still being able to show custom fields I create on a namespaced object so that I can quickly deploy new custom fields.
3 votes -
Allow Record type additions and removals to be selectable
I am not a having an option to deploy the particular picklist values in the Record type level, I would like to include only the values I have added that are different from my target environment.
3 votes -
Ignore Business Owner changes between Sandboxes
This was marked as "Completed" in
But really the issue remains.
When "Business owner" is populated in a field, it will show as "different" since the XML is showing username, which is different between sandboxes.
This make trying to do comparisons to find differences very challenging.
3 votes -
comparison between 3 or more ORGs
i would like to see in a future update about comparing 3 or more Orgs to possibly fine tune checks between production, and multiple sandboxes to make sure everything looks as needed to verify no sandboxes are overlooked for refreshes if needed.
3 votes -
Add the ability to run the problem analyzer while on the comparison screen
I originally was going to request the ability to append the items found in problem analyzer to the list of selected components, when going back to view the comparison, but then I thought why not take it one step further, and move the problem analyzer feature to the comparison screen? Then, the items it finds/suggests, the user can add them to the package there, or choose to ignore them.
3 votes -
add the option to either hide source control locations where you do not have a connection, or allow a default SCM connection to be selected.
We only use on source control service, so having to select 'Azure DevOps' before being able to select the repo/branch, is a small step that adds up over time.
Being able to either hide services that you do not already have a connection for, or being able to default to a service, with the ability yo navigate back up and over, as needed. would be welcomed.
3 votes -
Enhance Metadata Filter Type Recognition
Our team has struggled learning the Metadata API names of metadata types when compared to what items are called in change sets. One example would be to highlight Weblink when a user searches for Button.
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The ability to deploy only certain fields in a record type and not all fields
If we want to promote a change to a single field in a record type, we're unable to because the file is pushed in it's entirety. We'd like the ability to view from list of available changes in a record type by field and select just the changes to the fields we want to promote.
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Allow exporting of custom filter settings
I have some regexes configured specifically for continuous integration, changing these would likely break our CI process. I would like to be able to export a JSON or YAML (or whatever sensible text based format) of my filter configuration, so I can easily view which metadata I'm selecting and excluding through regex, and possibly commit this file to source control.
This is primarily because our team shares filters, and I'd hate to lose the configuration because of someone mucking up.
3 votes -
Ability to tell what metadata filter someone used in a compare/deployment
For compliance, troubleshooting, and collaboration purposes it would be great to see what metadata filter a user used on their comparison
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Make it easier to select all custom field translations for deployment
Right now if you want to select translations for certain custom fields, it is necessary to expand the sub-components for each field and select the translation. The second option is to go to the custom object and expand the sub-components in order to check translations which will include all the custom field translations for this object.
It would be helpful to get a way to select the translations for specific custom fields in the deployment.3 votes -
Create a way to apply a regex to all currently selected metadata types when building a filter
The regex support you currently have doesn't really allow for complex (multi-match) regex matching, which is probably ok
If I select, say 116 of the 124 metadata types identified, and then have to apply a regex pattern to each one, it gets pretty tedious. Click-paste-apply 116 times, and then 116 again for the other half of the complex match. I'd write a tool to automate configuring a filter in gearset. :)
If I "select all" then deselect the 8 types i don't want, and THEN apply a regex to all types, that would be pretty great.
3 votes -
Export of the Comparison Results
My Suggestion: For our Customer i need to create a Documentation with all the Metadata Information from the Comparison. Even for Things which are not different.
A CSV Table would be great and a HTML Documentation would be awsome :)3 votes -
give the ability to ignore certain changes between Sandbox and Production enviornments
After deploying from a Sandbox to a Production environment, you will always see a 'change' for Custom Objects and Custom Fields because there is no Encryption Scheme (for example)
3 votes -
Need a Lock to the Custom comparison filters
We need a lock to the custom comparison filters so that the team will be on the same page and only the deployment manager can be responsible for all the deployments
3 votes
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