Help us improve Gearset
We love getting feedback from our users on how we can make Gearset even better. Post your ideas for improvements, new features, and bug fixes alike, and vote for others – let us know what’s important to you.
38 results found
ability to clone the 'Deployment Pipeline' and edit the connections as per new project requirement
Every time a new project is kicked off , we need to setup the same pipeline with different org and bitbucket connection, gearset should have ability to clone the complete deployment pipeline so that only connections or branches needs to be updated for quick setup. Also some time the owner of the Deployment pipeline needs to be changed so this feature will give ability to clone the pipeline and disable the old pipeline.
1 vote -
Assigning a dev sandbox to a member should give them deployment access
Assigning a dev sandbox to a member should give them deployment access automatically, or at the very least I should be able to give deployment access in the same interface.
2 votes -
Gearset Pipelines Sandbox Environment
In order to test new Jira webhooks, GitHub actions, and any other release management changes,
We would like a Gearset sandbox environment where we could test release management changes like new/updates to Jira webhooks, GitHub actions, and other related changes.
1 vote -
Soft delete User accounts
If you ever delete a user then that account can never be used again or added back. Rather than provide a warning with text that not everyone is going to read it would make more sense to not even have the delete option in the first place or do a soft delete where it can be reactivated. We have employees that have left the company and returned so its not an uncommon scenario. If someone leaves or an account gets deletes accidentally it would be nice to have some sort of recovery option then to not allow that email address…
2 votes -
Share org connections or CI jobs with sub-teams
As an SI, we use Gearset for release management with multiple clients. Each client has multiple environments and CI jobs, but not everyone on my team works with every client. Currently, I can either share an org connection or CI job with all members of my team (providing access to people who should not have it) or I can share it individually with each person working with the client (which can sometimes be up to 10 people). It would be useful to define a group that holds the people who work on the client account and then share org connections…
1 vote -
Environment variables - Clone
Hello Team,
We would like to have the possibility to clone already existing Environment Variables when setting up a new Environment.
This functionality will allow us to refresh and create new environments faster and prevent us from performing specific commits in branches and specific configs per new environment.
5 votes -
having a Release Manager role within a Gearset team
I want the ability to set specific users as release managers and only these users can deploy to a production org. Only this role should be able to create a direct authentication to production. Other roles should be blocked to create a direct authentication to production or blocked from selecting production as a target org.
1 vote -
Limit who can connect Production or Specific Orgs
Our users may have access to certain orgs to do manual changes (we are working on reducing, but will probably never get to 0). Ability for us to block who can connect production can enforce usage of pipelines and prevent users from connecting their own user where they would get deployment access.
3 votes -
Better Multi-Org Support
We have 3 separate Production orgs for our company. It would be ideal if when we logged into Gearset we had a toggle to choose which production org and then all views, pipelines, connected orgs, etc. were filtered.
1 vote -
Allow switching authentication provider (SSO)
I made the mistake of using the wrong SSO provider (Salesforce) on the main user account that owns all the pipelines, CI jobs, credentials, orgs, etc and now I'm stuck with it with no decent way of changing to Google, my preferred provider. Please create an easy way to switch SSO providers.
2 votes -
Export and Import Gearset metadata filters to other Gearset instances
This idea feels relevant to Gearset customers that are consultants or in professional services teams.
Our team will be managing multiple instances of Gearset for various clients. During the initial setup and also over the long term maintenance of those instances, it would be ideal to standardize the custom metadata filters being used. The base filters would be the same starting point for all instances, because of the references to namespaces and certain metadata types involved in our projects.
Currently, the filters will need to be part of the post-instance setup steps. It would be ideal to be able to…
1 vote -
Provide Audit Report of Org Connections and Who Access Has Been Delegated To
It would be great if we could pull an audit report that shows all of our Salesforce connections that are set up in Gearset and who has been delegated what level of access to each of them. This would help us to prove out segregation of duty for auditors by showing who has ever had access to deploy to production.
4 votes -
Ability to assign Data Deployment Entitlement through Shared Connections
We have a central Gearset Owner who setup our various orgs using a dedicated Integration User in each org. They then shared the connections with Gearset Users so the credentials remain hidden.
However, this only delegates metadata deployment entitlement, not data deployment. To allow data deployment, a User needs to remove the shared connection and set up the org connection themselves.
Data Deployment Entitlement should be managed as part of the shared connection, as well as Metadata Deployment Entitlement. This will maintain the ability for central management and also keep org credentials secure.
4 votes -
Provide account owners ability to control and lock certain features for team
Currently, there are some settings that we would like to turn on or off for the entire team. For example, the "Append Validation/Deployment items to ticket" toggles when doing a deployment. It is also unclear that when a team member changes these, they are changing the setting for the entire team, which leads to inconsistent Jira tickets, as some list the components and some do not.
We would like the ability for account owners to control these settings for the team and lock their ability to be changed by team members.
4 votes -
Support SAML-based SSO and SCIM-based user provisioning
To improve security, user experience and reduce user administration time, SAML-based SSO and SAML JIT provisioning or SCIM-based provisioning would be fantastic.
3 votes -
Users with access to same target org
2 users both have access to the same target org with different user accounts. User A creates a package and asks User B to deploy the package on their behalf. Unless User B has been delegated access to the same org they already have access to by User A's account then User B will be unable deploy the change as they receive the error
"To deploy you need deployment level permissions from the owner of the target"
Workaround to this security constraint was to download a copy of the package and deploy using Workbench.
2 votes -
Show the name of the draft I am working on
Would be nice to see the name of the draft I'm working on while I'm working on it. Oftentimes working on multiple things at once, this can get really confusing.
1 vote -
Rename drafts after they're created
It would be really nice to be able to rename drafts after they've been created. Sometimes users will name things differently, and it would be nice to be able to clean this up.
1 vote -
Microsoft Active Directory authentication for Gearset
Our company works with Microsoft tools and it would be very useful for us to be able to authenticate with Microsoft Active Directory. That way our security team only has 1 place to manage users for all our tools.
4 votes -
Metadata Filter organization with group or tag management
It's great that we can set filter visibility now to Only Me or to share with Team. It would be nice, especially for larger teams, to have another way to organize them either with tags, folders, sub teams or groups.
Example: 1 Scrum Team may have 10-15 filters they maintain and use, and another group of users on a team also have 5 or so they use. Both can see all 20, and this adds up fast.
Feels like being able to group users together could also have other benefits like mass assigning access to orgs (for deployment, validation, comparison)…
5 votes
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