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  1. Issue with Namespace while deploying from Org A to Org B

    the namespace if referred in code, we try to deploy to target Org, the target Org will not have the same namespace name, or will be a different namespace, it gives errors, can something be done to fix this?

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  2. In comparison mode, remember whether I want to see the XML view or a friendlier view of the object I'm looking at.

    I noticed that the non-XML option label changes depending on what type of object I'm looking at. Regardless, if I select the non-XML option in comparison mode, I'd like the site to remember that option during my session so I don't have to keep re-clicking the non-XML option for each line item.

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  3. Avoid Analyzer suggesting to deploy a workflow's Sobject when such SObject and all referenced fields exists in the target

    Use case:
    1. Deploy from source to target a changed Workflow (from active to deactivated)
    2. Target already has all of the workflow's referenced components (fields used in filter criteria, fields used in Field Update)

    Analyzer will tell you "Add the following to the deployment" and something that looks like:

    Deploy All
    - object.WfName
    -- object and its subcomponents
    -- object and its subcomponents
    -- object and its subcomponents

    Since the object is already in the target as are the subcomponents, this message is alarmingly misleading and could inadvertently lead to deploying an object not yet ready.

    The above message…

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  4. Support aliases for metadata types in the search box

    So often, I type something in the search box for a metadata type based on the point-and-click labels and the search comes up with nothing.

    I'd suggest an auto-substitute option so if one types in 'Email alert', it auto-prompts for the metadata API substitute: 'Workflow alert' Or, if one types in 'Support process', it auto-prompts to substitute 'Business Process'

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  5. Custom text within automated emails

    I simply want to be able to add some lines of text to the emails that are triggered.

    In our case this would simply be to let the team know the deployment was complete please proceed with any manual steps for example. In our org this would simply save a step for the release manager to have to trigger an email stating this and be included in the email triggered by gearset.

    This functionality might also play out nicely that we could have some more specific text around the test jobs that we trigger. For example, we have thought to…

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  6. Add search specific item history

    For monitored environement, it would be great to have the ability to search for specific item history.

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  7. Error while deploying dashboard component using Changeset / Gearset / ANT

    This is a common error received during deployments:

    Error: Metric, gauge, or table dashboard component missing indicatorLowColor attribute (line 70, column 33)

    This is a suggestion to Gearset team for there feature Deployment analysis if they would pick this error in advance before deployment.

    Observation: This issue occurs when the Dashboard is created in Lightning. (I cannot confirm though)


    Downloaded package.xml and component

    Basically, after I pulled the dashboard metadata from source org, I opened it and found the
    <componentType>Table</componentType> tag, and right under it I added this:


    After this change I managed to deploy everything…

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  8. Add a validation/warning for when users try to filter only permission set for comparing and deploying

    we believe that if we are given the option to filter only permission sets for the comparison, there should be some type of validation ensuring that you are also including dependencies such as custom objects, apex classes etc so that we don't make the assumption that filtering permission sets only in the comparison will include all dependencies

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  9. Test job triggered by CI job

    Test jobs are only configured on time basis. When developer commit some changes and it will be deployed, but tests will be done on a time basis in 2 hours for example, so he should wait to know weather tests are passed or not. Or ask the release manager to run tests manually. So, this feature is must have improvement.

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  10. Support grouping of Manage Orgs page

    Support the ability to group org credentials on the Manage Orgs page by a new Group Name attribute. In managing multiple clients with dozens of PRD and Sandbox orgs it would be extremely helpful to be able to group and filter related credentials by client. However, to expand this feature to support multiple use cases, providing a new Group Name attribute (text) which could contain any value would be fantastic!

    Thanks for your consideration,

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  11. Allow a deployment team to update the same draft deployment at the same time or warn the end user of a draft in use by another user

    When a dev team work on a shared deployment, it would be nice to work on the same deployment draft, at the same time. At a bare minimum, it would be good to be warned that someone is updating the draft at the same time as you.

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  12. Filter standard vs custom objects

    We sell a managed package and will never include standard objects in a comparison, and absolutely not in source control. When I'm running a compare against source control to check for changes, it will show all of the standard objects as "custom objects" which is not correct. I should have a way to filter out standard objects from the comparison.

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  13. download the zip package at an earlier stage before analysis has taken place

    Download the zip package at an earlier stage before the analysis has taken place.
    In big Orgs with multiple teams working the analysis page takes sometimes to load so it would be a great addition if we can download the zip package file and modify it.

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  14. Would like the ability to print the current comparison for selected objects before deploying

    I would like the ability to print the current comparison for selected objects before deploying to use for documentation purposes.

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  15. Avoid going to Setup | Deployment status on "validate deployment don't run any tests"

    If you are deploying to PROD and
    a) You have Apex classes in your deployment
    b) You choose Validate Deployment - Don't run any tests

    The Validation will fail and Gearset will tell you to check the target org Setup | Deployment Status where as suggested, the most likely cause is test coverage failures.

    This is in fact true but it seems that Gearset could warn you before acting on a PROD deployment with non-test apex classes and 'don't run any tests' that this will be guaranteed to occur and give you a chance to reconsider your choice before wasting…

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  16. Access to Critical Updates

    We use Gearset as our primary utility for managing various client orgs include Production and Sandboxes for Testing and Release Management. It would be great if there was also a way to access, review and potentially enable/disable any Critical Updates in any org from Gearset.

    However, I do understand that Critical Updates may not currently be accessible from the metadata API.

    Just a thought,

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  17. Field Tracking Analyzer message is misleading

    If source org includes a new custom field with field history tracking enabled TRUE, the deployment analyzer reports the following when deploying to target org:

    'Fields with history tracking enabled cannot be deployed before it is enabled on the object. You should remove these history tracking changes from the deployment'

    Specific use case was object OrderItem

    1. Analyzer can clearly detect if field history is enabled on target org object (which it was) - message is spurious.

    2. Analyzer can arguably detect that target org's limit (20) will be exceeded by the deployment of the selected custom fields (which could add/remove field…

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  18. Enhanced Comparison filter - filter by difference count

    My use-case would somewhat be handled by separating code and xml differences, but I would like to be able to filter on difference count (or at least, easily see / sort by diff count).

    For example: We are updating the API version on all of our classes and triggers (about 279 files this go around) and I want to make sure that the API update is the only diff when doing a deployment. Or to be worded differently: only deploy files where the only difference is the API version.

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  19. Support customer S3 buckets for storage

    Allowing customers to specify their own S3 buckets for storage could be beneficial for the product. This would give the customer enhanced security and control over their data.

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  20. View email templates that are part of a managed package folder in comparison

    Hey guys,

    I am not sure if this is an actual issue or not but I will ask the question to see if I am missing something :)

    When comparing email templates, the compare will return both email templates and folders. I have noticed that in my case, email templates that are part of a managed folder do not return. We can see the folder and sync the folder settings, but no templates. If we move the templates to a non-managed folder we can see the templates. Has anybody encountered anything similar?



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