Help us improve Gearset
We love getting feedback from our users on how we can make Gearset even better. Post your ideas for improvements, new features, and bug fixes alike, and vote for others – let us know what’s important to you.
1285 results found
Precision Deployments (available for Layouts) for all the meta data
Precision Deployments for Layout is a great improvement, it would be great to have the same feature for other meta data, particularely for : Fields picklists, global value sets, List Views, Reports, Profiles, Permission Sets and why not Lightning Pages, now that the Dynamic Form is available for Acc, Contacts & Opp
21 votesAll - please let us known in the comments which metadata types you would like us to support next with precision deployments. Thanks
Allow components to be added or removed from an data deployment template
Currently when a data deployment template is created, there is no way to edit the template after it is saved so that components can be added or removed. It would be helpful if we could modify the components in the template without having to create the template from scratch again.
21 votes -
Schedule data deployments
The current data deployment functionality works fine for one-off deployments, but if you are trying to keep specific data in sync across multiple orgs, the ability to schedule data deployments for a given time in the future would let you deploy on a recurring basis automatically. Becomes especially helpful when combined with the current data filtering options.
21 votes -
Skip CI Jobs to source control when there are no changes.
After setting up a CI job from a Salesforce sandbox to a Bitbucket repo, it looks like the CI job always runs a commit, even if there are no actual changes. It would be great to not have this happen to avoid having many commits where there are no actual changes.
21 votes -
Publish dynamic data with Outgoing Webhook in CI deployment jobs
As of now we are able to send only static text as a part of outgoing payload in CI Integration jobs. We want this data to be dynamic for each deployment.
For example: We need to send the information like (JIRA User Story number, GIT commit hashes and descriptions from the pull requests being merged, etc.)
This will allow us to publish information of successful deployments to external system.20 votes -
Add Support for Pre/Post Data Deployment Scripts
Some of my more complex data objects require that I turn off Validation Rules during deployment, then back on again after deployment.
Options that would work:
BEST: List of Validation rules under each object and and option to temporarily disable on a one-by-one basis during the deployment. A "Disable All Validation Rules During Deployment" option would be helpful if this feature is implemented.
BETTER: Ability to specify metadata xml to apply to each sobject pre and post deployment.
GOOD: Ability to specify anonymous Apex to execute pre and post deployment. This would involve a callout to the Metadata API, which…
20 votes -
Precision Deployments for Flow
Please add Flow for Precision Deployment. The new flow visualization has been really great and it would be very helpful to be able to use precision deployments with them.
19 votes -
Allow save into a draft deployment after Refresh Comparison
Use case:
Source is master, target is org
Create draft deployment between master and org; Save
...time passes, new items are added to master
Open draft deployment
Refresh Comparison to see new items in master
Select new items
Click Save Draft Deployment --you have to create a new version (and no obvious way to even see the current draft's name without opening a new tab)Seems like you should be able to save back into the same draft after refresh comparison (or at least have option to do so).
When you create a new version of the draft; you have…
19 votes -
Enable Field Level Mapping for Data Deployments
Currently there is no field mapping option available for Data Deployment of Objects. This is a big blocker if we want to migrate selective fields data across Salesforce instances.
18 votes -
Manage multiple Gearset teams from a single Gearset account
I want to be able to manage multiple Gearset teams from a single Gearset account, and not have to log out and log in again.
17 votes -
Delete records from the target org during a data deployment
Provide options to delete records from Target Org. This will help clean up of test data and reload from Source.
17 votes -
Allow for custom metadata permissions to be included with a single click when custom fields are being deployed
For example; when adding new custom fields, you generally have to add the permissions as an additional line item to the deployment. Having a checkbox or something that will have gearset automatically add the permissions associated with the metadata currently in the deployment list would speed up the process. Users should also be allowed to deselect lines that were automatically added.
17 votes -
would be cool to be able to "ignore" certain differences
would be cool to be able to "ignore" certain differences... e.g. encryption. So if encryption is enabled in a Production Org but not in a Sandbox (not sure if Encryption is possible for SBs), you have a difference for every custom field <encrypted>true/false</encrypted> which is really irritating.
17 votes -
Auto-generate deployment note and git commit message
When Gearset makes a commit, it defaults to a blank deployment note and blank git commit message. Although I can edit this , it would be awesome if you can merge in details from the deploy to the commit (like components changed, what salesforce user made the change etc)
17 votes -
Add RecordType support for PersonAccount
Problem analyzer is always trying to remove my picklist values from any RecordTypes on PersonAccount. I am forced to use a custom "Problem analyzer template" where "Remove picklists from record type" is disabled.
Suppose I have a field called pickme: Account.Pickme--pc | Contact.Pickme--c it shows up in the record type XML as Pickme--c, and it seems like gearset tries to find a picklist on account with that exact API name, which will of course fail. My ask is that rather than raising an error at this point, GS should repeat this check on the contact object where it would find…
16 votes -
Allow deployment of unlocked packages
At the moment, you can select "Installed package" as a metadata type to compare, and I think you can use this to install a package (without installation key).
However, unless I'm missing them, 2nd Generation Unlocked packages don't appear in a comparison like this.
It would be really useful to be able to deploy 2GP with Gearset because I sometimes need to make metadata changes at the same time as installing
e.g. I'm moving some old functionality into an Unlocked package and that old code has logic in the triggers. I want to be able to delete the old triggers…
16 votes -
Improve detection of custom fields on Managed Package objects coming from Git
If I have a managed package object in Git, Gearset does not recognize it as managed package code in its comparison to a Salesforce org. This is a problem since it may not recognize a change if a custom field has been added to the managed package object.
16 votes -
Allow users to select custom fields even if the object does not exist in the target
Would be great if GS allowed to select custom fields when doing a comparison even if the object does not exist in the target. If I am pushing changes to a repository I might want to only include the fields I created/modified and not the whole object.
15 votes -
Possibility to deploy to another sandboxe when a ci job passed
When configuring a CI job, we need an option to set a deployment to another sandboxe when the deployment or test classes run successfully in the current CI Job.
Ex: when a push to a branch on VCS triggers a CI job to deploy to a sandboxe like QA (with test classes run), we also have the possibility to set an auto deployment to staging sanboxe when the the job on QA passed successfully.15 votes -
Build Comparison Manifest from pull request
It would be cool if the custom deployment configuration could be driven from a Pull Request . For example, in GitHub, the Pull Request knows which files were changed and approved. Why not use that list to instantly populate a comparison to create a deployable manifest to go from source control to org?
15 votes
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