Help us improve Gearset
We love getting feedback from our users on how we can make Gearset even better. Post your ideas for improvements, new features, and bug fixes alike, and vote for others – let us know what’s important to you.
1272 results found
Add problem analyzers to the data deployment app
Much like the problem analyzers for metadata deployments in Gearset, it would be great if you could add a problem analysis feature for data deployments after having configured what you want to deploy.
Some scenarios will almost certainly cause the data deployment to either totally fail or only partially deploy some of the records and skip records it can't deploy. Providing automatic fixes (e.g. choosing not to include duplicates) would improve the number of deployments that work 100% of the time.
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Need to move Help Menu between orgs
I recently had to move custom Help Menu items between orgs. Since Gearset didn't support it, I was reduced to manually entering the data in each org since they weren't connected in Change Set paths. I believe the metadata is CustomHelpMenuSectio
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2 votes
Deployment Notes Persist on Failure
When a deployment fails, deployment notes are sometimes wiped, and it is laborious to retype them - sometimes, I'll copy and paste to Notepad before deploying because I know I'm going to have to type them again. Notes should persist, or at least be configurable, from one comparison run through successful deployment.
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create a visualization of the DevOps process
Creating a visualization of the DevOps process removes the need for separate Visio diagrams or visual aids to represent the process. Also by creating this feature, you could allow for a drag and drop type feeling to represent CI Jobs, Data Deployments, Comparisons, etc. Users who may be new to a DevOps environment would pick up the process quicker allowing them to quickly adapt to the tools and this type of deployment mentality.
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Store formatted JSON in source control
The SFDC metadata API returns some items types as JSON compressed to a single line. For example, this applies to Wave dashboards (.wdash files).
Gearset neatly expands this to a more readable when visualizing and comparing.
However, in source control Gearset stores them in their original one-line compressed format. As a result, when doing merging and conflict resolution at the source control layer, these items are impossible to handle, as any change (whether technically conflicting or not) results in a conflict from git's point of view.
It would therefore be great if Gearset kept the expanded format for JSON data…
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Give Permissions to Edit Automated Job Settings
Adding a feature to give users permissions to edit & delete Automated Test Jobs would be great. Today I had to hunt down a colleague to be have him edit his job when all I had to do was change the schedule. This feature would have saved a lot of time.
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Add the option to purge on delete
The metadata API has a boolean option to "purge on delete", i.e. permanently erase deleted items rather than just moving them to the recycle bin. This option is not exposed in Gearset currently, but rather hardcoded to "false". For CI scenarios in particular, it would be extremely helpful to be able to specify that this option should be set to "true" for deployments.
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Be able to start immediately a JOB (CI/Unit Tests/Monitoring)
Add a button to start it immediately. Currently only solution is to change the executing time!
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Allow bulk org access for new users, new org permissions upon adding
When adding a new user having the ability to give the same level of access to all orgs at once would be greatly beneficial.
Likewise, when adding a new org and having the ability to set user access to the new org would save time as well.
We are adding new orgs frequently and will be adding users as well. Saving time on permissions would be great!
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test Monitoring overview - show "is running" + stats
On the Test Monitoring Overview page; you should be able to see at a glance whether the test is running and how many methods have run vs total
Reason this comes up is if you establish a Unit Test run for your developer sandbox org, then you can't run (some) tests from your IDE against the same org "ALREADYINPROCESS Test already enqueued"
A quick glance at the Test Monitoring Overview would tell you if you need to wait 1 minute vs 20 - and guide your activities accordingly
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Support parallel testing during CI job
CI jobs use metadata API to deploy and run tests. The tests run serially. As such, CI jobs can take many minutes to execute
As an optional configuration for a CI job, and only if the CI is run against a non-PROD org...
- Deploy metadata using Metadata API
- Run tests using Tooling API (parallel testing)
- If tests fail, use MetaData API to rollback the deployment
Ideally, this can shave off 50% of the CI job time
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2 votes
Suppress "changed on" datetimes in difference viewer where datetime is the same as the metadata retrieval datetime
The difference viewer will show Changed on values for the current datetime for certain metadata types - probably because SFDC is returning such a value when, in fact, the source didn't change at all
- Custom object
- Settings
- Standard valueset
- Workflow rules
displaying the current datetime of the compare run (i.e. the metadata retrieve datetime) is not helpful when trying to filter on changed date in the difference viewer (i.e. sort descending)
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Enhance capabilities around 'co-administration'
In our organization we have a couple different salesforce admins that are administrating the salesforce development pipeline in which several developers are making changes and deploying them via gearset. Right now it seems cumbersome/duplicative to do this particularly around the area of adding a sandbox org and then managing permissions of the developers to that sandbox. It would be nice if there was a way for one admin to connect the sandbox, grant the other admin "Owner-level" access to it, and for the two admins to have a shared view of the user access to that org, so I can…
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Create a Master-Switch Only deployment process
Can you create a master-switch deployment option? It would be similar to how this operates:
The issue is that this master switch does not always work with managed packages in production orgs.
So a way to automate the turning off/on of Validation Rules, Process Builders, Flows, and Triggers.
Use Case: We are building a new app and have significant data migration to do. It would help to have a master switch to turn off processes in PROD, deploy date, then, flip the master switch back to turning processes back on.
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I have so many connections and jobs, is it possible to have group them (in future release?)
I have so many connections and jobs, is it possible to have group them (in future release?)
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Allow (restricted) editing of source XML to add deployable properties that can't be fetched via Metadata API
It is impossible with OOTB Gearset to deploy an autonumber field with a starting number and optional populate existing rows. Why? Because the SFDC Metadata API as of V42 doesn't allow fetching of these two properties of the CustomField object:<populateExistingRows>true</populateExistingRows>
<startingNumber>1</startingNumber>Once in source, they'll deploy just fine to the target org. Note that changesets support this feature.
The workaround, which is to deploy to target branch and then edit target branch is sort-of-OK but it would be nice to modify this in the source. Of course, if you Refreshed Comparison, your edits would be…
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Deploy parts of Settings
It would be nice if you broke up the settings into smaller subcomponents. For example the Security settings would be more useful if you extract out the password policy changes so we can pick and choose what Security settings we need. I thought of this concept similar to how you break up profiles into sub component. This could get noisey in the list of changes so an alternative to that could be to bundle it under components like how CustomObjects work.
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Add a note against individual components in a draft deployment
While comparing two Org's for differences and saving the 'Draft deployment':
Files that I'm sure and fine with the differences and happy - so tick them.
Files that are important to be deployed but I am yet to discuss those differences with some peers from team (dev / support). I would like to mark these (or / and) comment against these - with some useful notes (ex: impact or risk analysis related notes). Once these are discussed, I can then tick them - indicating I am happy to deploy these.
Once I mark the files as either 1 or 2…
2 votes
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