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1272 results found

  1. Provide a better error when "invalid or null picklist values" is thrown.

    "invalid or null picklist values" is thrown and i have too many picklists to figure out which one is the issue. Please provide speicific fields that are causing errors.

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  2. Show JIRA Title when selecting tickets to post to

    As a release manager, when I go to select the JIRA tickets to associate to, I need to be able to see not just the ticket number, but also the Title to allow me to select the correct tickets without having to guess or consult another resource or use trial and error.

    Currently there looks like this idea was implemented in Pipelines, but that interface is somewhat broken, and typing in the full number does not result in the ticket showing up, could use some love, but is the right idea for providing context.

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  3. Archiving and restore process

    Data archiving for storing records that can be easily accessed when marked as archived at an off-premise location. A backup and restore would be overkill when there is a need to store only partial records or a combination of fields from records in different objects. Restoring to a new object that does not interfere with existing objects would be ideal.

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  4. Delegate Access by Comparison

    Provide an additional delegate access option: be able to grant this at a comparison level to a user vs at the org level (situation is predominately experienced for Production comparisons/deployments). Granting access at an org level gives too much access (CI jobs, etc) for some users so it would be ideal to have a narrower scope.

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  5. See when a commit validation was deployed or not (For CI validation Jobs)

    When you go to the validation only CI jobs section within the Continues Integration part we usually have a CI job targeting a prod environment, you can see all validations succeeded and the commit attached to such validation, each CI job run contains 3 options:
    View comparison
    View Summary

    Then if the validation passed and the code indeed was merged from the feature branch to the master branch (Which would have triggered the actual CI job run), how would you be able to identify wether a merged pull request was deployed or not within gearset?

    For me it's very…

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  6. View on GitHub for custom git repository

    Offer the option to "View on GitHub" for custom git repositories in Commit successful screen

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  7. Create JIRA ticket when CI Job runs sucessfully

    I undrestand that gearset can update status, comment and attach report to an existing JIRA ticket once a deployment is successful, but it would be nice to have a feature that would automatically create a JIRA ticket once the CI Job runs, and deployment is successful, for reporting and internal auditing

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  8. Ability to Template Scratch Org Settings

    It would be great if it was possible to template the scratch org creation screen.

    We have a lot of managed packages that need to be installed and having to enter the ID and Key every time is very time consuming.

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  9. Data deployments should ask if you want to Insert or Update or Insert & Update data

    Data deployments should ask if you want to Insert or Update or Insert & Update data.

    Currently it always performs data upsert only

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  10. It would great to be able to monitor certain user actions, such as exporting a report in Salesforce.

    Right now, I am only aware of having to purchase an add-on from Salesforce to be able to get this information.

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  11. Additional text countries

    I'd like to see a few extra countries added to the text messaging option on scheduled deployments. My team works with resources in different regions.

    Brazil +55
    India +91
    Philippines +63

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  12. Add the ability to report on validations and deployments via CI

    Currently, it's not possible to see a report on when a validation or deployment started and ended for a given CI Job across multiple PR's. This will help understand how long on average validations or deployments are taking for a given environment.

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  13. Add to draft deployment as you build

    Ideally I'd be able to add metadata to a draft from within salesforce - via a chrome addon maybe?

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  14. enable linking two separate gearset accounts when they are hooked to the org

    I've been using Gearset for a few years. The Salesforce consultant I occasionally work with just started using Gearset with all their clients. So we both have a connection to my Salesforce org. It would be nice to see a combined view of deployments, validations, test runs, etc. made against my org - regardless of which Gearset account it was done from.

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  15. enable linking two separate gearset accounts when they are hooked to the org

    I've been using Gearset for a few years. The Salesforce consultant I occasionally work with just started using Gearset with all their clients. So we both have a connection to my Salesforce org. It would be nice to see a combined view of deployments, validations, test runs, etc. made against my org - regardless of which Gearset account it was done from.

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  16. Field Dependencies for Reports

    When deprecating a field and replacing it with a new one, we need to be able to see where they are used in all reports, including private folders, which the "Where is this used?" feature does not detail.

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  17. Force a full production backup, and forbid its deletion

    I was not able to buy this tool because to me it was a blocker that we have the right to delete the production backup.
    I may agree that the we don't force for a full backup, but leaving the option to descope tables is equivalent as not backing up.
    Force at least an initial configuration and allow only to add more scope to the backup, but never to reduce it or delete without contacting your support who should get an authorization from more than one person on the client side.

    If I'm an admin at salesforce, and an admin…

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  18. One-click Sandbox data deployment of all objects

    I think a great feature would be for the tool to be able to copy all object data from one org to a sandbox, and if the amount of data is too large for the sandbox, allow the user to specify what objects to take sample data from - and how - i.e. take no data from a certain object,or take 5% of the latest created data, etc. It would be helpful to show the objects that have the most data.

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  19. Easier way to exclude multiple named items in the metadata filter.

    In the metadata filter named items, I want to exclude 10 named items. Currently I have to use the "exclude" Object name button 10 times. I want to tick all the 10 named items, that currently allow to include, and click a button to turn them into "exclude" in the named items.

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  20. When creating a Pull Request from Gearset have the option to default to another branche

    After you did a deployment from a sandbox to GIT (Github in my case) you have the option to create a Pull Request right from that screen. The default target branche is "main" even though my default branche in Github is set to develop.
    It would be great if Gearset follows that default branche that is set in Git OR has a way of defining default target branche in Gearset.
    The risk now is that someone might overlook this, make a pull request against main, someone else also overlooks this and merges it into main. With CI jobs on main…

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