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1250 results found

  1. Display Deployment Status Progress

    In the past in Gearset, you were able to see the status of your deployment (e.g. 100/200 test classes, etc.) very similar to how you would see the native status tracker on the Deployment Status page within Salesforce Setup. It appears this feature is no longer available in Gearset and there is no status until the deployment complete. It would be great to bring this back to Gearset, so the tool provides the full deployment scope. Since this has been removed, I now have to open an additional page to monitor progress in Salesforce.

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  2. Exclude specific Classes from Scheduled Unit Tests

    Some Testclasses only run successfully, when the Org is connected to a Backend Application. Usually sandboxes for Development are not connected to the Backend. These are the Orgs, that we need to watch. It would be useful to exclude specific Classes on specified Environments from being tested in scheduled Unit Tests.

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  3. More granular permission settings for sub groups of a large team

    Giving team owners/leaders the ability to define sub groups of team members and control their ability to deploy to certain environments.
    For example not being able to connect to/make deployments to 'production' orgs.

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  4. Throw Error When Invalid Test is Entered

    When entering test class names in the text field, invalid entries can be added without any indication that there is something wrong, which would lead to uncovered code and most likely a failed deployment. For example, entering in ThisIsAnInvalidTestName would not result in any error.

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  5. Provide ordering for metadata elements when committing to version control

    When metadata is retrieved from Salesforce the order of child nodes is not guaranteed and results in false-positive changes when committing to version control. Usually this will be something simple like workflow actions/criteria appearing out-of-order which can be compared manually. However, recently we've noticed entire profiles being committed with every permissions element out-of-order, resulting in a change set with ~20k lines where the actual change is impossible to visualize.

    Gearset should provide a feature to 'order' child XML elements alphabetically by name in order to provide consistent commits to version control and eliminate false-positives.

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  6. View Grouped Successful, Validated, and Monitor Jobs per Instance in List

    Our organization has now done over 13,000 deployments (yay!), but that means when I have to search for past deployments, any searching beyond 10 days as the filter becomes an impossible task because of the sheer volume that has to be searched (boo).

    When trying to combine successfully deployed packages into a new package, if I have to change the date range to find a deployment done several months ago, I lose the selected deployments from a more recent timeframe and can't select them all to combine neatly.

    If we could see successful deployments by viewing the authorized Org in…

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  7. Allow Monitoring Jobs on Source Code Repositories

    Currently, Enterprise users can create monitoring jobs on sandboxes, so that they may be notified when a sandbox's metadata changes. It'd be great to be able to perform the same monitoring action against source code repositories (GitHub!).

    An example use case would be detecting when undesired metadata types enter into the repository. This is important because CI jobs will fail on certain metadata types, so we want to ensure that they never make it into source to begin with. Additionally, our business has decided that some metadata types should never be captured into source.

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  8. Scheduled deployment freezes

    Prevent deployments during certain periods of time for a team or for production environments

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  9. Allow for selecting which repositories to display for github in org settings.

    It would be helpful to be able to select repositories to display in the selection under Manage Orgs. Some of our repos in Github aren't related to Salesforce deployments, and filtering those out so they don't even show in the list would be really helpful in getting to selections faster.

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  10. Allow comparisons of a single commit from a VCS

    Currently, you can select a VCS repo and branch to use for comparison. It'd be great if you could select a specific commit from that branch, so that you're only looking at an atomic set of changes. This would allow for fine-grained comparison and deployment of changes.

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  11. Provide an API for querying deployment info

    Please provide an API for querying deployment info such as friendly names, components, deployment notes, etc...

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  12. Automatically revert PR in GitHub CI Jobs

    When a CI job fails, the bad code remains in the GitHub repo. I'd like to see a way to revert the commit/PR that caused that failure so that any CI jobs for new, unrelated, commits/PRs won't fail while the developer is working to resolve the issue.

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  13. "Changed on" date on source control side of comparison does not show

    We have no way of knowing when the files were last changed on the source control side. Tried only with BitBucket though.

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  14. Provide the ability to get a deployment report on multiple deployment packages

    Instead of having to download the deployment report individually for multiple deployments, I would like to be able to select multiple deployments and download one report that contains a list of all files that were deployed as part of the multiple deployments. It is too cumbersome to manually download a report or .csv for each deployment and then copy/paste the info into one location so that I can get a comprehensive list of all files that were deployed.

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  15. Option to create a CI job only for back propagation

    We created some CI jobs for back propagation of changes from Production to other downstream branches and orgs. But these CI jobs also pick up pull requests(from a different pipeline) for forward propagation.
    So, basically there is no way currently to create a CI job just for back propagation. It will be good to have a toggle in the CI job to mark it for forward or backward propagation

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  16. Ability to automate deployment to a particular environment without manually promoting changes

    When there are multiple Salesforce environments in the deployment pipeline, like Integration, Qa, Stage and Production, we would like to have ability to automate deployments to a specific environment, without having to select PR and promote changes manually. Most of the times SIT/Integration environment will be used for Developers to be able to perform integration testing, where we do not want someone like a Lead to review and promote PR manually. It will be beneficial to deploy the changes automatically, as soon as someone creates the PR to the Integration environment.

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  17. Introduce Import/Export feature for Custom Filters

    Expose the underlying JSON/XML for Custom Filters so that we can export it, modify it in a text editor either by hand or with python scripts, then load it back into the custom filter.

    For example I have my main CI filter with 50ish metadata types, and every other filter is a subset which I establish by cloning the "master" filter and deselecting metadata types. Whenever I make a change to the master filter I am forced to nuke all the the "detail" filters and recreate them off the master using the above approach.

    So many clicks. My preference would…

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  18. extend the GearSet public API to include Data deployments between Sandboxes and Scratch Orgs

    Allow triggering Data deployments via the public API to eliminate having to sync data manually. This also includes triggering creation of Scratch Orgs via the Gearset API so that Gearset can instantly recognize them them.

    The workflow we would like to automate is: feature branch is checked out which triggers a CI/CD system pipeline to create a corresponding scratch org, do a metadata deployment from a test sandbox, and sync data from the same test sandbox. This allows us to create on-demand full copies of the environment for purposes of E2E testing (inc. external integrations) and feature development that requires…

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  19. Allow record data load from CSV file

    While it is nice to deploy record data from org to org with Gearset, it would also be nice to be able to deploy data from a CSV file, with the ability to custom map the headers. Native Salesforce Dataloader has this capability, as well as many 3rd party tools out there. Please incorporate this capability into Gearset.

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  20. Expose Salesforce Validation Errors within Github PR

    Currently when a PR Validation fails (Deploy CI Job with Validate Target setting turned on), the user can click the Gearset "Details" link to go into Gearset to see the exact error.

    Many of our devs use VS Code and Github for their daily work and only rely on Gearset for the CI job. Having them jump into Gearset just to see the error is time consuming and not very intuitive for them. Sure we can find the same errors within the target org of the CI, but at that point the list of validations is large and it's hard…

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