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  1. Send a link to the report in the notification

    It'd be nice to have a link to the report included in the notification for any scheduled monitoring, test run or deployment/validation.

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    Thanks for the suggestion.

    When you run a deployment, the deployment success email contains the PDF of the deployment report, as well as a link to your deployment history to view the full information.

    For the test/change monitoring emails, what sort of report would you like to see? Would you like to see the full information on tests run or just a summary of key stats?

    We don’t currently provide the ability to export PDF reports for our change and test monitoring jobs in the same way as our deployments, but it’s something we’ve been thinking about putting in.


  2. Remove "No Difference" items when commenting on jira tickets

    when i connect a jira ticket to a commit, I like the way gearset posts a comment on the jira ticket listing the changed items. what I dont like is the long list of "no difference" items posted on the ticket. It makes the ticket comments super long and annoying to scroll through. can gearset update this to only post the difference metadatas, or at least give us the option to include or exclude

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  3. Get Notified if Pull Requests or Validation Fails

    Our Org has Gearset Officers who handle promotions. It happens at times that I create a pull request and have it start validating (which can take a while). I'll navigate away from the screen and totally forget about it, assuming it'll get pushed to the next environment.

    But sometimes there are merge conflicts, or validation fails. I'd love to get a notification, either in email, or as an integration to an attached jira ticket that it failed. That way ill be notified by slack or whatever.

    Just an addendum here. We use 3 environments. Admin, UAT, and finally Production. When…

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  4. Ability to remove PR's from a created release

    WHen working with pipelines, when we create a release and we merge PR's to the release so we can then deploy later, it would be nice if we have the option to remove them in case someone change their mind instead of cancell release and srtart over

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  5. Gearset Service Status Page

    It would be very useful to see a status page for Gearset services. Similar to other service platforms like Github ( or Salesforce trust (

    This would be great to help determine if there are issues with deployments, or if Gearset has any sort of performance degradation.

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  6. Approve Pull Requests from Gearset

    Currently you have to navigate from Gearset to Github using the link from the Pull Request to approve a Pull Request. While functional, this requires going to an external system for an important Git functionality. This also creates a bit more complexity for non-technical users. If we could approve PRs directly from Gearset, that would be awesome!

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  7. Option to set and make use of 'deployment rules'

    It would be great if we can have the option to set and make use of 'deployment rules':

    1 - receive an alert/warning message (in gearset/via email) right before deploying to a selected target environment, for instance - a production environment if certain pre-defined metadata types are included in the deployment.

    use cases: a reminder to run all test when deleting metadata, a reminder to activate a flow on target environment after deployment.

    2 - block a deployment in the following case scenarions:

    a - if the deployment of certain pre-defined metadata types happens within a pre-defined timeframe.

    use case:…

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  8. Add or ignore parts of XML after the comparison to ignore other users changes

    If there are multiple users making changing the metadata in Salesforce and when one has to deploy their changes, it is not possible to pick the changes that are specific to one person, For this we have to go to VS code and use git patch mode to add only the necessary changes for a specific user. If we have an option to edit the xml after the comparision and pick only necessary pieces and deploy it to next org will save time and also switching between multiple orgs. Currently the comparison editor is read only mode.

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  9. Include code coverage in deployment report

    I want to use the deployment report to monitor your progress towards improving the quality of our code.
    So I need code coverage to be included in this report.

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  10. Add Validate pull requests for custom git

    We have self-Manged Gitlab as a git provider.
    It would be good to have the possibility to allow to run validations on pull requests for custom git repositories or

    support on-prem GitLab (submitted as

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  11. Better error reporting when CI jobs fail.

    Better error reporting when CI jobs fail. Many times I open a failed job and there are no errors reported.

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  12. Namespace Mapping for Managed Packages

    We are an ISV partner with a managed package we sell to lots of customers. That means our package is namespaced. However with a distributed development team and multiple dev orgs, all source code is not namespaced, and is maintained in source control (github) without namespaces. Only upon unit test and promotion to the package org, does the namespace get added. This results in two basic problems (and others). 1) comparisons between unit test and package result in almost everything being flagged as "changed" due to the namespace, and 2) all aura components are always flagged as "new" when they…

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  13. Static Code Analysis for JavaScript Components

    It would be great if Gearset could run static code analysis on JavaScript as well as Apex when deploying Lightning Components.

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  14. Automated User Test Suite Integration

    Such as Selenium and/or

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  15. Save previously entered comparison filters

    I am currently using a standard regex filter each time I do a comparison. It has become quite lengthy such that I can't easily remember it. I have ended up saving it in a separate text file and have to open it, then copy and paste it into Gearset each time I do a comparison. Pretty cumbersome.

    It would be nice if the Filter... text box on the comparison results screen was a combo box that when clicked, dropped down a list of recently used filters. Each entry in the list should be removable (like with a little 'x' icon…

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  16. Chatter posting to

    I think it would be useful if Gearset had the capability to make a chatter post to a specific group or @mention someone.

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  17. Differentiate XML and Code differences in the comparison

    I would find it very useful if the comparison result highlighted if the difference was in the XML or the Code (or both) for each item. This would especially save time when there are a lot of differences.

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  18. Specify tests to run on the test monitoring jobs

    Some of my orgs have many tests, and I don't always want to run all of them on a daily basis. Being able to specify which tests are run daily would be great.

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    2 comments  ·  Testing  ·  Admin →
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  19. Add ability to exclude specific files/folders of repo from a compare with source control

    Currently, if you try to compare a repository to a Salesforce org, it will throw an error with only the ability to send a report to Gearset if the repository contains files that are not compatible (gulp files, package.json, etc. at the root of the repo or any folder that isn't corresponding to a Salesforce type of file).

    My suggestion would be to add the ability for the user to exclude those files or folders from the compare and retry when it fails. This issue currently prevents us to use source control in the comparisons.

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  20. Enable us to customize the Slack notifications from Gearset

    Enable us to customize the Slack notifications from Gearset (e.g. add deployment Friendly name to Slack deployment notifications). Thanks

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